March 3, 2022


Ukraine Defense Ministry

As of March 3,11.00 a.m. (EST)

In violation of the norms of International Humanitarian Law, Russian
high-power cluster munitions and fragmentation munitions are used in
bombardments of Ukrainian cities.
Deployment of a network of Voluntary Formations of Territorial
The Russian military leadership has conducted mobilization in the
temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.
National member of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
(SMM) Maryna Fenina was killed on 2 March in Kharkiv.
Ukrainian government prepared special financial aid for all the citizens
who have lost their jobs at the torn by war regions of the country.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine addressed international organizations to:
establish a no-fly zone over the territory of Ukraine, establish immediately
humanitarian (green) corridors and bring the United Nations peacekeeping
forces into Ukraine.

Total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 03.03
personnel – approximately 9000,
tanks ‒ 217,
APV ‒ 900,
artillery systems – 90,
MLRS – 42,
Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 11,
aircraft – 30 (TBC),
helicopters – 31 (TBC);
vehicles – 374,
light speedboats – 2,
fuel tanks – 60,
UAV operational-tactical level – 3,
General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Russian occupiers continue to use civilians as human shields, taking hostages.
Contrary to the norms of International Humanitarian Law, high-power cluster
munitions and fragmentation munitions are used in bombings. During the artillery
strikes on the settlements, the occupiers actively used the “Hrad”, “Tornado” and
“Hurricane” multiple rocket launchers.
On Volyn direction, the enemy with up to 2 BTGs moved to defensive
operations and tried to stay on the border of Bihun, Ovruch, Pirozhky, Rizniya,

In Polissya, the occupiers concentrated their main efforts on the Kyiv direction,
incurring losses in personnel and equipment, but did not abandon attempts to block
Kyiv from the northern and north-western directions.
In the direction of Korosten, the enemy suffered heavy losses and stopped.
In the Siverskyi region, the enemy is trying to stay in the areas of the settlements
of Lyubech and Mena with the forces of 41 all-military armies, 90 tank divisions of
the Central Military District of the Russian Armed Forces in the direction of
Chernigiv-Kyiv. Forces of 2 BTGr are moving in the direction of Kotsyubynske –
Honcharivske (Kyiv).
Occupying troops are forced to put reserves into operation. To resume the
offensive in the direction of Kyiv, an additional BTGr was leaded in.
7 BTGr, 3 TGr Missile and Artillery, TGr CBRN of the 6 All-Military Army of
the Central Military District of the RF Armed Forces, 2 All-Military Army of the RF
Armed Forces continue attempts to resume offensive operations in the Nizhyn and
Pryluky areas.
In the direction of Peremoha – Brovary are noted to two BTGr from the 2nd
All-Military Army of the Central Military District of the RF Armed Forces.
In Slobozhanshchyna, enemy troops from the 1st Panzer Army of the RF Armed
Forces, the 6th and 20th All-Military Armies were stopped at the border in the areas
of Okhtyrka, Bogodukhiv, Chuguiv, Shevchenkove after illegally crossing the state
border of Ukraine.
In the Sumy direction up to two BTGr of 200 separate rifle brigade (14 Army
Corp PF) and 90 (up to two BTGr) continues to keep under siege settlements Sumy,
Lebedyn and Okhtyrka.
In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy was forced to move to the defense with
forces up to six BTGr. Up to three BTGs will probably make another attempt to
invade Kharkiv from the south.
In the Svativ direction, forces with up to two BTGs will probably try to advance
in the direction of Izum and gain a foothold at any frontier. The main reason for such
actions is the continuation of the offensive in the directions of the Dnipro and
Mariupol is stable in the Donetsk region, and the administrative borders of
Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are inaccessible to the enemy.
In the Tavriya direction, the enemy introduced part of the operational reserves –
to BTGr, trying to continue the offensive in the direction of Zaporozhye, part of the
forces – in Mariupol.
Ship groups of the Black Sea, Northern and Baltic Fleets are actively conducting
demonstration activities.
In the Sumy region, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced along the
State Border.
The demoralized enemy continues to suffer losses! This you, with real photos
and videos, you can see on our official resources.
Minister of Defence of Ukraine Address

For more than 60 hours Ukraine has been fighting back against the Russian
Units of the Territorial Defence Forces became a formidable force destroying the
Tens of thousands of people have already joined the ranks of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine and Territorial Defence Forces. Now Ukraine is at the stage where the
country needs to increase coordination of the created units, to organize their actions
as part of a single plan under the leadership of the AFU Command.
In agreement with the Brigadier General and Commander of the Territorial
Defence Forces Yuriy Halushkin, Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov
has decided to deploy a network of Voluntary Formations of Territorial Communities.
By the provisions of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Fundamentals of
National Resistance”, Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities are carried
out under the direct command and control of the commander of the military unit of
the Territorial Defence Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Now Ukrainians can join the construction of checkpoints, block the movement
of columns of enemy equipment, perform other tasks assigned by the command of the
Territorial Defence Forces using their own weapons. The Volunteer Formations of
Territorial Communities must be suitably to obtain severe defensive armaments and a
unified plan of action.
The network of Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities will be an
essential factor in counteracting enemy saboteurs and disrupting the logistics of the
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
There is an appeal from Ministry to foreigners all over the word:
If your citizenship is other than Ukrainian, but you are standing with Ukraine
fighting against Russian invasion this is information for you:

  • Full support is provided;
  • Visa requirement is cancelled (Temporary: From 1st Mar till the end of martial
    law, Presidential Decree No82/2022);
  • Vital experience is guaranteed!
    The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed all citizens of
    friendly to Ukraine countries, to come to Ukraine and together to fight against
    Russian occupants. The legal base of foreigners’ direct participation is already
    According to the Regulation on military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
    by citizens of other countries and stateless persons (approved by President of Ukraine
    Decree # 248 of June 10, 2016) foreigners, that have the desire to join the Armed
    Forces of Ukraine, can do it by signing a contract, including with the Territorial
    Defense Forces of the Armed Forced of Ukraine. Thus, a separate foreigner’s
    detachment, named the Territorial Defense International Legion of Ukraine, is

formed. Obviously, there is no greater contribution for international peace and
security, than directly participate in its maintenance.
CinC AF of Ukraine
The Russian military leadership has conducted mobilization in the temporarily
occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and is forming units 1 and 2 of
the army corps to assault cities and towns in Ukraine-controlled territory. The
majority of these people have Russian passports. Part of the mobilized troops are
being transferred across the territory of the Rostov region, the Krasnodar territory and
the temporarily occupied Crimea to conduct a naval offensive operation to capture
Odessa. The rest were taken to Belgorod to assault Kyiv in the first echelon as
“cannon fodder”.
This is a war crime and a blatant violation of the Convention for the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War.
OSCE Chairmanship
National member of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM)
Maryna Fenina was killed on 2 March in Kharkiv. OSCE Chairmanship and SMM
strongly condemned the increased shelling and missile and rocket attacks in urban
areas causing death and injury to civilians, including women and children, and
reiterated the call on the Russian Federation for an immediate cessation of hostilities
and to engage in a meaningful dialogue.

President of Ukraine
One week ago, at 4 am, Russia invaded independent Ukraine. The first hours
and days of full-scale invasion were challenging. But Ukraine stood united and was
able to protect itself. And will continue to do so. Ukrainian resistance was so
successful that the invaders were forced to change their tactics. Russian missiles and
bombs that strike residential areas of Ukrainian cities are a confession that the
aggressor can`t gain any significant advantage. All lines of Ukrainian defense are
preserved. The enemy has no success in any of the strategic directions. Russians are
demoralized. Kyiv survived this night and withstood another missile strike.
Ukrainian air defense worked. Kherson, Izum, all other cities where the invaders
carried out strikes from the air are holding strong. Chernihiv, Sumy, Mykolaiv are
hold the line.
Russians also want to destroy Odesa. But aggressors will see only the bottom of
the Black Sea.
Occupiers launched air strike on Assumption Cathedral in Kharkiv – one of the
oldest Orthodox monuments of the city. During the war, the cathedral is a shelter for
Kharkiv residents, protection for all people.
“Russians: learn the words “reparations” and “contributions.” You will pay back
in full for everything you did against Ukraine.” stressed Zelenskyy.

Russian army destroys Ukrainian cities, cuts off electricity, water, and heating to
civilians. Occupiers cut of food and medicine supply for Ukrainian population. Other
war crimes include shelling of routes for possible evacuation. There is no weapon that
Russians would not use against Ukraine, against the free citizens of a European
Ukrainians will receive everything they need from their government.
Coordination headquarters work 24/7. Humanitarian aid is on the way.
Ukrainian government prepared special financial aid for all the citizens who
have lost their jobs at the torn by war regions of the country! Every employee, sole
proprietor, and citizen of Ukraine, from whom Russia has taken away the opportunity
to work, will receive six and a half thousand hryvnias without any conditions. Despite
the war, Ukrainian authorities ensure the full payment of pensions. Indexed pensions.
As it should be following the law. From March 1st, pensions for Ukrainians are
indexed by 14%. All payments will be made in full.
Ukraine receives weapons from its partners on a daily basis. More and more
powerful weapons every day.
Ukraine is already meeting first, of sixteen thousand, foreign volunteers. “They
are going to defend freedom, defend life for all of us. And it will be successful, I am
sure of that.
We’ve been through so much! And if someone thinks that, having overcome all
this, Ukrainians – all of us – are scared, broken, or will surrender, he knows nothing
about Ukraine and has nothing to do with Ukraine.” underlined Zelenskyy.
Head of the Presidential Administration
Together with the whole international community, we do everything possible to
ensure the livelihood of Ukrainian cities and villages. Many volunteers from local
and international organizations are involved. The National Bank has created a unique
account for crediting donations to humanitarian needs.
The President of Ukraine established the Coordination Headquarters for
Humanitarian and Social Affairs to coordinate these efforts. The headquarters will
work in three directions:
▫️ humanitarian aid from foreign governments and international organizations;
▫️ assistance from big business to military administrations and communities;
▫️assistance from the authorities at the request of military administrations and
Andriy Yermak was appointed as the Chief of Staff. Yuliya Sokolovska (the
Chief of campaigns’ Deputy) will be responsible for operational processes, and Daria
Zarivna will provide information support.
The President of Ukraine recommended that the National Bank of Ukraine open
a particular fundraising account for humanitarian aid to Ukrainian people, who suffer
the most from Russian aggression today.
For the convenience of communication, a Facebook page was already created:
And Telegram channel:
Minister of Foreign affairs of Ukraine
The sanctions coming from world leading companies make their way into
Russian economic structures. Regular citizens are already feeling the impact. For
instance, there is shortage of cash in ATMs. One more Russian economy investment
project has been blocked today. Windmill turbine manufacturer froze its deal with the
aggressor which costed Russia $2.5 billion.
MFA team is making sure that those sanctions have no loopholes. This work is
being expanded every day thanks to cooperation with the US, the EU, the UK,
Canada, and many other partner countries.
Ukraine made a deal on new supply of military equipment from Germany.
Thanks to a logistics group, the supply from all international partners is smooth and
The humanitarian aid is being transported to the most affected regions. “We
assure Ukrainians who were hit with severe humanitarian crisis that local government
is working really hard to create humanitarian corridors to either evacuate civilians to
shelters or to send help to the areas. Russians are trying to disrupt creation of those
corridors, so we are still working on it.” stressed Kuleba.
Address of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
From the very beginning of its insidious and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, the
Russian Federation has been systematically carrying out military attacks, including
those from the air, on residential housing, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other
civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, destroying cultural monuments and also objects of
critical infrastructure, the damage of which can lead to man-made catastrophes on a
global scale, in particular, chemical warehouses and plants, storage facilities for
particularly hazardous waste, nuclear power plants, etc.
Russia has launched several hundred Iskander-type and Kalibr-type ground and
sea-based tactical missiles targeting peaceful cities and villages in Ukraine. Contrary
to the norms of international humanitarian law, cluster and vacuum bombs have also
been used striking the city of Kharkiv and the city of Okhtyrka in the Sumy region.
Every day we record numerous war crimes committed by the Armed Forces of
the Russian Federation led by their President Vladimir Putin. Every hour we lose the
best sons and daughters of the Ukrainian people; thousands of people, including
children, are injured or forced to flee their homes. Since the beginning of the
full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, 21 children have died and 55
have been injured. The Russian military is destroying homes, hospitals, kindergartens
and schools, and killing civilians in cold blood and with unseen brutality. Putin’s
army is shelling humanitarian corridors, ignoring our requests to allow the removal of
women, children, orphans and people with limited mobility. Kremlin soldiers are
taking civilian hostages using them as human shields.

As a result of constant shelling, the cities of Kharkiv, Volnovakha in the Donetsk
region, Shchastya and Stanytsia Luhanska in the Luhansk region, are on the verge of
a humanitarian disaster. Some of these cities have been practically destroyed.
Residents who are mostly in shelters and basements lack food, drinking water and
medicines, there is no medical care, electricity and heating. Housing and social
infrastructure have been severely damaged by the shelling. The cities of Nova
Kakhovka and Tavriysk in the Kherson region are completely blocked, without any
possibility for supplies of food or even basic medicines.
These bloody crimes of the Putin regime are a flagrant violation of international
humanitarian law; they need to be immediately stopped and investigated as
international war crimes.
Russian occupation forces have seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in
whose environs radiation levels have already been exceeded. The troops of the
Russian Federation are also conducting combat operations in the immediate vicinity
of other nuclear power plants, which threatens to unleash an environmental and
humanitarian disaster not only for Ukraine and Europe, but also for the whole world.
Ukraine is audaciously fighting the aggressor for its independence, for the
European choice of the Ukrainian people, for all the values that are fundamental to
the European Union and the entire democratic world. This war is a struggle for the
very existence of such concepts as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy,
equality, the rule of law and human rights in the whole world. The Ukrainian Army
and the entire Ukrainian people are defending their homeland and their historic
civilizational choice.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, welcoming the approval by more than two
thirds of the Member States of the United Nations of the United Nations General
Assembly Resolution (A / ES-11 / L.1) “Aggression against Ukraine” on March 2,
2022, appeals to the United Nations ‘United Nations, the High Commissioner for
Refugees of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the
European Parliament, international organizations and their parliaments, parliaments
and governments of foreign countries to take all necessary measures to:
Immediate establishing of a no-fly zone over the territory of Ukraine for the
protection of civilians, world cultural heritage sites, critical infrastructure facilities,
nuclear power plants and other facilities, the damage of which could cause a
world-class catastrophe;
Establish immediately humanitarian (green) corridors for the safe evacuation of
women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities and guarantee their security
in direct cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross in
accordance with their mandate under the 1949 Geneva Conventions as well as to
provide humanitarian assistance to suffered and civilian persons to meet priority
needs of people in food, clothing, first medical aid;
Bring the United Nations peacekeeping forces into Ukraine on the basis of the
United Nations Charter, UN General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) “Unity for Peace”
of November 3, 1950, to protect human rights, maintain humanitarian access and
prevent war crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appeals to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations to mediate ending the war.

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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.