March 5, 2022


Ukraine Defense Ministry


As of March 5, 14.00 CET

Russia impeding the opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.

The main efforts of the aggressor were focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the settlements they blocked.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine bravely hold the positions; counter-attack the occupants in Kharkiv, hold Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions. 

“Green corridors” under fire: Russia has violated the agreement with the mediation of the Red Cross and does not allow the evacuation of people.

The President sent special thanks to all those hundreds of thousands people around the globe who went on support actions for Ukraine and were calling their governments to introduce additional sanctions and a no—fly zone over Ukraine to protect people. 


General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces from 24.02 to 05.03: 

personnel – more than 10 000 

tanks ‒ 269, 

APV ‒ 945, 

artillery systems – 105, 

MLRS – 50, 

anti-aircraft warfare systems – 19,

aircrafts – 39, 

helicopters – 40,

vehicles – 409,

light speedboats – 2,

fuel tanks – 60, 

UAV operational-tactical level – 3.

Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Address by Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov

9 days 4 hours 2 minutes. Ukraine protects the world. The tenth day of resistance to Russian terrorists. The tenth day of courage of the Armed Forces, guardsmen, border guards, rescuers, fighters of other security forces, all Ukrainians who heroically defend. Thanks to all our people, the Kremlin’s plans to subdue Ukrainians in two days, seize large cities, overthrow the state, and annex Ukraine to Russia have failed. Yes, the enemy has advanced in some directions, but controls only a small area.

Given the slow pace of the offensive and resistance of Ukrainians, Russia is changing tactics. The Ukrainian sky is the most vulnerable place. The aggressor comprehensively and actively uses its air and missile potential. All types of aircraft bombard cities, towns and civilian infrastructure, including critical and dangerous nuclear and hydropower plants.

The “great” army has shown its true nature – a cowardly terrorist who is able to attack only the civilian population – children, women, unarmed civilians. Targeted shelling, bombing and rocket-propelled grenades on residential neighborhoods, schools, kindergartens and hospitals, the enemy destroying temples and churches.

We are working on the introduction of a regime of silence and the opening of humanitarian corridors. We hope that the humanitarian corridor will work and we will be able to evacuate civilians.

The main efforts of the occupiers were focused on the encirclement of Kyiv and the weakening of resistance in the settlements they blocked.

In the Volyn direction, the position of our troops has not changed significantly. In the northern direction Chernihiv carries out heroic defense. In the area of the settlement of Mykhailo-Kotsyubynske, Chernihiv region, a column of up to 200 units of equipment and manpower is standing in front of the water barrier. The bridge across the river was destroyed. In the Slobozhansky direction, the Ukrainian military continue to conduct defensive battles, successfully defeating the enemy. In the Prymorsky direction our defenders cover the sea coast and carry out tasks on prevention of encirclement of the city of Mykolaiv. The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses enemy air strikes. Systematic hostilities continue, with the Russian invaders losing 39 aircraft and 40 helicopters.

Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

“Green corridors” under fire: Russia has violated the agreement even with the mediation of the Red Cross and does not allow the evacuation of people – DPM Iryna Vereshchuk

“The Russian occupiers began shelling with heavy weapons. As you know, from 9 am on March 5, we had a preliminary agreement that we would create two humanitarian corridors: Volnovakha and Mariupol. I note the fact that Russia has violated the agreements even with the mediation of the International Committee of the Red Cross and is shelling the city of Volnovakha. Also in the direction of Mariupol – Zaporizhzhia, fighting is taking place in the area of Polohy-Orikhov, which makes it impossible for the column to move from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia, “she said.

Iryna Vereshchuk appealed to the Russian side to stop the shelling and provide an opportunity to form columns of the humanitarian corridor so that children, women and the elderly could leave the settlements.

“We also appeal to the Russian Federation to give the opportunity to send humanitarian goods from the Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia with medicines and food,” the Deputy Prime Minister added.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SES)

March 4

In the village of Belenky (Odessa region) pyrotechnic workers of regional SES department retrieved and destroyed 253 units of anti-tank cluster elements and 2 avia bombs (ammunition left after the March 3 airstrike).

In Okhtyrka city (Sumy region) rescuers together with employees and inhabitants of the city carried out emergency works in the territory of thermal power plant which suffered an enemy air strike on March 3. The work had to be suspended due to the threat of another air strike. 

The SES carried out rescue works in the buildings of Kharkiv city, destroyed as a result of shelling and bombing by Russian invaders. Rescuers are clearing the rubble and search for survivors. Sappers are involved in the extraction and destruction of explosive objects.

In the village of Markhalivka (Fastiv district, Kyiv region) as a result of the shelling, private houses caught fire.  3 people were rescued, 5 people died.

As a result of shelling a school in Zhytomyr was hit, which resulted in collapse of the building, without any subsequent ignition. 

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Kyiv region. On March 4, at about 3:30 p.m., the occupiers’ plane dropped two air bombs on the village of Markhalivka. 6 people died. As a result of the impact, 9 residential buildings were damaged and two more were completely destroyed. Three adults and a child were burned alive in a car, two more adults were found dead under the rubble. Two injured children and three more adults are being rescued by doctors.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Many logistics structures in Ukraine have suffered due to Russian aggression. The stable operation of pharmacies and pharmaceutical establishments for the population is no exception. However, today the e-resources continue to work and provide as accurate information as possible about the availability of medicines.

Ukraine appeals to the International Committee of the Red Cross and its President Peter Maurer and the Presiden of the Red Cross in Europe Robert Mardini to help organize a safe humanitarian corridor for the earliest possible evacuation and assistance to civilians. To save hundreds of thousands of civilians, all opportunities, resources and humanism must be mobilized.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on Russia’s impeding the opening of humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.

Violating the agreements reached, the armed forces of the Russian Federation continue to launch missile and bomb strikes on Mariupol, Volnovakha and other Ukrainian cities.

The ongoing shelling makes it impossible to open humanitarian corridors for the safe evacuation of civilians and the delivery of medicines and food.

The allegations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that it is the Ukrainian authorities who are ehindering the departure of residents of the cities under siege are not true and constitute disinformation to justify the criminal actions of the Russian armed forces.

The Russian side ignores the appeals of international humanitarian organizations, in particular the International Committee of the Red Cross, to cease fire in order to create safe conditions for the departure of civilians and wounded.

Russia’s actions are a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and are classified as a war crime under the Rome Statute.

We call on the international community – states and international organisations – to immediately condemn Russia’s gross violation of the agreements on the opening of humanitarian corridors, and call on Moscow to order Russian troops to cease fire.

Ukraine, together with the humanitarian organisations involved, is ready to evacuate the civilian population as soon as safe conditions are in place.


Key messages of the address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

It is the 10th day of war, which feels like one long day and one long night without any rest; there is no difference what time and date or day it is. Ukrainians protect their state and save their people, no matter what. 

The President of Ukraine holds daily phone conversations with the Presidents of France and Poland, and his gratitude to them is immense. With the invaluable help of the President of Poland, the humanitarian crisis at the border was averted. More than that, thousands of Ukrainian women and children received a decent attitude, without any discrimination by nationality, race, religion or so. In fact, the actual border with Poland has disappeared, as there is no time for separation when both states are on the good side. 

President Zelenskyy stated: “I am convinced that soon we will be able to say to our people to return to Ukraine from Poland, Romania, Slovakia and all other friendly states, since there will be no threat”. He assured that already now the Government is thinking about the return of its people, revitalization of cities, and recovery of the economy. After conversations with the leaders of the World Bank and IMF, there is a consent on provision of immediate support to Ukraine’s reconstruction after the war. 

Moreover, the President held conversations with leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The main topic of conversation with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission was the membership of Ukraine in the EU. 

The President sent special thanks to all those hundreds of thousands people around the globe who went on support actions for Ukraine and were calling their governments to introduce additional sanctions and a no—fly zone over Ukraine to protect people. 

The Armed Forces of Ukraine bravely hold the positions; counter-attack the occupants in Kharkiv, hold Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions, Donbas. The occupants suffer colossal losses. The Russian army did not manage to occupy the planned spots; at the same time, it has reached the amount of at least 10000 soldiers dead from its side. 

Ukrainian people fights back and protests even in those places where, unfortunately, Russia managed to squeeze through. The President is convinced that Russia’s stay is temporary, as the Ukrainian people are full of dignity, courage and are determined.

During the second round of negotiations in Belarus, the sides agreed to bring back at least a small percent of humanity to most war-torn areas by establishing the humanitarian corridors. These cities today are Mariupol and Volnovakha. Women and children, who decided to stay, must be provided with food and medicines. Ukrainian aid is on the way and all those who need that help must have a possibility to receive it, and all those who can must continue the fighting. Ukraine does everything required from its side for the agreement to start working, and it remains one of key tasks for today. That would be an indicator whether Ukraine will continue the negotiations process. 

“We pray for our military, help our civilians and work for peace,” – the President finished.

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

Ukraine calls on the contracting parties to the environmental conventions to suspend 14 international environmental agreements with regard to the occupier, which include the termination of the Russia Federation – aggressor state’s membership in the governing and advisory bodies of international environmental organizations:

–      Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants;

–      UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes;

–      Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora;

–      Convention on Biological Diversity;

–      Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;

–      UN Convention to Combat Desertification;

–      Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;

–      Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management;

–      Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitats;

–      Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution;

–      Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques;

–      UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage;

–      UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and suspension of Membership in the International Coordinating Council of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program.

By carrying out a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the occupier violated international law, human rights, nuclear security and global peace in general. This radically changes the position of each party to these conventions and the obligations arising from such agreements.


Ministry for Digital Transformation of Ukraine

PayPal stopped operations in Russia, according to the letter by PayPal CEO Dan Schulman. PayPal customers also did not stay away and donated several million dollars to international charities that provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine and support migrants.


The hit of an enemy shell damaged the railway track in the direction of Irpin. Two empty cars of the evacuation 5-car train went out the track. The evacuation train from Irpin will be carried out promptly by other means of Ukrzaliznytsya from the nearest possible point. The remaining evacuation trains are on schedule, with a total of 1.26 million rescued people.

National Bank of Ukraine

More than UAH 7.8 Billion Raised for Ukrainian Army

As of 4 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 7.8 billion has been transferred to the special account the NBU opened to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Money has been coming in from people and businesses in Ukraine and from all over the international community (including the U.S., the UK, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, China, France, Canada, and many other countries).

Over UAH 765 million of that amount has been received from abroad in foreign currencies (U.S. dollar, euro, GB pound, Canadian dollar, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, Polish zloty, Australian dollar).

To help the Ukrainian Army, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a card:


Gas TSO of Ukraine 

Status of operation of Ukrainian GTS

Due to hostilities, the company stopped the operation of 16 gas distribution stations in Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Donetsk, Luhansk regions. Hundreds of thousands of household consumers are left without gas. Due to significant damage to the networks of regional gas distribution network operators (regional gas companies) and active hostilities, it is currently impossible to restore gas supply to some GDS units.

GTS operator of Ukraine and GTS operator of Poland Gaz System S.A. agreed on the introduction of firm capacity for gas imports. Now firm capacity, regardless transit, is more than 50 million cubic meters of gas per day, which is almost equal to the average daily consumption in Ukraine. Ukrainian gas market participants were able to import gas from three countries – Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, including LNG terminals in Poland and Croatia. Thanks to the efforts of OGTSU and the support of international partners – operators of related systems, Ukraine is strengthening energy security and diversifying sources and routes of gas supply.

Despite the extraordinary working conditions, Ukrainian gas companies continue to meet Ukraine’s needs. For the previous day, on March 4, OGTSU transported 76.5 million cubic meters of gas for domestic consumers.

GTSO has created another guaranteed route for gas imports to Ukraine

Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSO UA) and Polish TSO Gaz System S.A. agreed to introduce firm capacity for gas imports from March 6, 2022. It allows the physical gas imports from Poland, including from the LNG terminal, on a guaranteed basis and thus contributes to the security of gas supplies for Ukraine.

Over the past three months, GTSOU international partners have taken essential steps in cooperation to enhance the security of supply. Now Ukrainian market participants will receive gas from three directions – Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. At the auctions for capacity distribution in the Polish-Ukrainian direction, short-term products “during the day” and “for the day ahead” will be offered, which were not contracted by previously available longer products (annual, quarterly, monthly capacity).

“In recent months, Gas TSO of Ukraine has worked hard to create routes for gas imports to guarantee the necessary gas resources for Ukraine in any scenario. Today, this is a critical issue for the country’s survival. I am grateful to our colleagues – European TSOs for their important contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s energy security. On the energy front, we continue taking every effort to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to Ukrainian consumers”, said Sergiy Makogon, CEO of GTSOU.

For comparison, on average, Ukraine consumes 100-120 mcm of gas per day. Over the past three months, GTSOU has concluded agreements with the related TSOs, which have increased capacity for gas imports to more than 50 mcm per day, which is about half of the country’s natural gas needs.


On the tenth day of the war, the Ukrainian power system remains stable. Despite all the enemy’s efforts to destroy Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, the Dispatch Centre of NPC Ukrenergo controls standard frequency of 50 Hz.  

Zaporizhia NPP continues to operate with two power units. All thermal and hydroelectric power plants are operating. The electricity consumption schedule is within the norm. 

Do not believe the provocations about power outages. At present, our power system provides electricity for the household, military, and other consumers. In order for it to continue to operate, it is necessary to keep the level of consumption around the clock. 

Today, many Ukrainians have been without electricity for several days in a row. Bombing and fierce fights prevent repair crews from approaching power lines and substations to repair them. However, specialists of Ukrenergo and distribution system operators are on full alert around the clock and coordinate their work so as to start repairs as soon as possible. Yesterday, some residents of Sumy and Kharkiv regions have got electricity thanks to a break in the battles between the heroic Armed Forces of Ukraine and the invaders.

Ministry of energy of Ukraine 

All Ukraine’s NPPs are operational 

As of 8:30 a.m. CET on March 5, 2022, Ukraine’s existing nuclear power plants continue to operate stably.

The current capacity of all four Ukrainian NPPs provides the necessary volumes of electricity production for the needs of the country.

Radiation, fire and environmental conditions at NPPs and adjacent territories have not changed and are within current standards.

In the conditions of martial law and full-scale aggression of Russia, Energoatom strengthened its control and determined the exclusive priority of safety issues of nuclear facilities over all others.

The main equipment of the reactor compartments of power units, premises and buildings of power plants, the perimeters of protected areas and adjacent areas, as well as particularly important NPP facilities outside their protected areas are under strict supervision and control.

State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine

Zaporizhzhya NPP as of 07:00 СET 5 March 

The largest nuclear power plant in Europe – Zaporizhzhya NPP – after heavy fighting and shelling of the industrial site with artillery weapons on 4 Marsh was captured by the military forces of the Russian Federation.

Currently, ZNPP operational personnel monitor the condition of power units and ensure their operation.

Status of power units:

Power unit № 1: planned and preventive repairs.

Power unit № 2: at 17:49 CET 4 March,it is connected to the power system, at 18:45 CET up to 460 MW (electricity) is loaded, currently the load is up to 750 MW (electricity).

Power unit № 3: disconnected from the grid, cooling of the nuclear installation is underway.

Power unit № 4: in operation, electric power 980 MW (electricity).

Power units № 5, 6: cooling of nuclear installations is carried out.

No changes in the radiation status in the Zaporizhia region have been recorded, the gamma radiation background is within normal limits.

In the city of Energodar there is no heating and hot water supply due to damage to the heating main during the fierce battles of the defenders of ZNPP with the Russian occupiers, going from ZNPP to the city. Repair work is underway. The work is complicated by multiple damage to the heating main.

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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.