March 6, 2022

War Bulletin

Ukraine Defense Ministry

March 6, 2.00 p.m. EST

Urgent address of Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Eight rockets hit a peaceful city of Vinnytsya.
The city airport is completely destroyed. Russia continues destroying Ukraine’s
infrastructure. President urged international partners to close the skies over Ukraine and
provide the airplanes for defense.
Russians disrupted the opening of humanitarian corridor in Mariupol.
Website of International defense Legion of Ukraine and website for collecting evidence
of Russian crimes have been launched.
Russian forces disrupt evacuation of women, children and the elderly.
Russia’s war against Ukraine threatens the world with food shortages.


Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
The total combat losses of Russian forces from 24.02 to 06.03:
personnel – more than 11 000,
tanks ‒ 285,
APV ‒ 985,
artillery systems – 109,
MLRS – 50,
anti-aircraft warfare systems – 21,
aircraft – 44,
helicopters – 48;
vehicles – 447,
light speedboats – 2,
fuel tanks – 60,
UAV operational-tactical level – 4.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Despite losses in personnel and equipment, the occupiers, with the support of the air forces,
focused their efforts on encircling the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, and Mykolaiv and

reaching the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, and creating a land corridor
with the temporarily occupied Crimea.
Unable to achieve the goal of capturing the capital of Ukraine in the first days of the war, the
occupiers focused on active action in the southern regions, in order to deprive Ukraine of access to
the Black and Azov Seas. The invaders have spent almost all their reserves and are preparing to
send additional units from the Eastern, Central and Western military districts.
Ukraine continues to conduct a defense operation. In the eastern direction, a defense operation
is being conducted in the Donetsk, Slobozhansky and, in part, Tavriya operational districts.
The Joint Forces Group is conducting a defense operation in the Donetsk direction. In the
Slobozhansky direction, mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending the cities
of Kharkiv and Okhtyrka. The defense of Chernihiv continues in the Sivers’kyi region.
In the village of Liptsi (Kharkiv oblast), the occupiers confiscated the phones of local
residents, forced them to wear white and red armbands, and hung white rags on buildings.
At about 2 p.m., the enemy launched a massive missile strike at Vinnytsia airport, and
shelling of Mariupol, Irpen, and other Ukrainian towns and villages continued throughout the day.
Due to the significant losses suffered by the occupiers since the beginning of the war, in order
to attract volunteers, the Krasnodar Territory began covert mobilization, increased the spread of
propaganda materials about “neo-fascist atrocities and the need to destroy fascism” (data to be
Defined units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine counterattacked in the Mariupol direction and
destroyed 3 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 armored vehicles “Tiger” and about 30 Russian
occupiers, 2 invaders were taken, prisoner. The enemy has losses in other areas.
The Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses missile and air strikes and means of
air attack of the enemy, concentrates its efforts on air cover of important (critical) objects of
Ukraine and groups of troops.
The website of International Defense Legion of Ukraine was launched
The website contains all the necessary information for citizens of
foreign countries who want to join the International Defense Legion of Ukraine. The government
has also set up a dedicated call center: For foreign volunteers already in Ukraine +380800507028;
For foreign volunteers located abroad +380443395987.
After Russia launched a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine on February 24 and began
striking at civilians and infrastructure from day one, the Ukrainian state called on foreigners to join
our struggle for peace and democracy in Europe and around the world.
A decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on March 1, 2022 introduced a visa-free regime
for entry into Ukraine for citizens of foreign countries who are willing to join the International
Defense Legion of Ukraine, except for citizens of the aggressor state.
Foreigners who want to help Ukraine can find detailed step-by-step instructions on how to
join the fair fight against the aggressor at
In particular, in order to join the International Defense Legion of Ukraine, it is necessary to
apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in your country.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
The most large-scale consequences of the fighting affected civilian infrastructure in
Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Bucha district of Kyiv oblast and Korosten district of Zhytomyr oblast.
During the day, State Emergency Service units made 422 visits to the scene, including 198
visits to eliminate the consequences of shelling of settlements and civilian infrastructure by Russian
troops, 64 people were rescued.
Pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service carried out 63 operations, 605 explosive devices
were neutralized.

In the Zhytomyr region police are documenting the consequences of night shelling of
On the night of March 6, Russia carried out several air strikes on residential buildings in the
cities of Korosten and Ovruch. As a result of the shelling, several dozen private houses were
destroyed. There are victims among the civilian population.
As a rocket attack on the private sector in Korosten killed 1 person and injured 2. 10 private
houses were destroyed and 1 building was burnt down. 5 children were rescued from the basement.
As a result of a missile strike on the private sector in the city of Ovruch, 15 private houses
were destroyed, 5 of them completely.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Despite the Russian aggression the Ministry of Health of Ukraine continues to respond to
challenges to maintain the smooth operation of the medical system. For the past day the
transportation and temporary storage of medicines of JSC “Ukrainian Railways” is allowed.
Ministry is trying to ensure the supply of medicines to every corner of the country and demand the
creation of humanitarian corridors in areas of active hostilities.


Urgent address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Eight rockets hit a peaceful city of Vinnytsya. The city airport is completely destroyed.
Russia continues destroying our infrastructure and life we were building, and many generations
before us. We repeat every day: “Close the skies over Ukraine for all Russian rockets, fighter jets,
all these terrorists, make a humanitarian air zone without rockets and air bombs. We are people and
this is your responsibility to defend us and you can do this. In case you will not do this, in case you
will not provide us with the airplanes so that we could defend ourselves, then only one conclusion
can be done – you also want Ukraine to be killed very slowly. This is a responsibility of politicians
around the globe, Western leaders from now on and forever”.
Address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy
The President started with words of support by the international partners and friends, which
were supported by the concrete actions. Every day the President is holding phone conversations
with the leaders of other states and business associations. At night, there was a conversation with
the U.S. President, and President Zelenskyy thanks his counterpart for his determination to prepare
new decisions for Ukrainians and Europeans, including new sanctions against aggression.
Conversations were also held with the U.S. congressmen and senators, who are very sincere in their
willingness to help Ukraine. Such conversations multiply our confidence.
The world has a power to introduce a no-fly zone over Ukraine for Russian rockets, fighter
jets, and helicopters. Ukraine needs airplanes to make the safe sky for Ukraine and Europe.
The President had a conversation with the Prime Minister of Australia, and the President is
thankful for the position of Australia on the Russian export. Not a single port must exist where the
state-terrorist is able to earn money. The Prime Ministers of Albania, Bulgaria and Israel provide
support to Ukraine. There was an inspiring conversation with Elon Musk, who does rockets for the
sake of future and does not kill with rockets for the sake of past. The support from the global
international business is no less important than support from the leading world states. Combined
together we receive a doubled defense, tripled weapon, and a possibility for the future.
He addressed the Ukrainians by saying: “We have already won out our future, but we are still
fighting for this day… We fight for the position where the border will be established between life
and slavery, and it’s not only our decision”.

He addressed the Russians, too, by claiming that the Russian citizens also do this choice at
this moment, when the evil can be won without irreparable losses. With material losses but not with
execution. He called on them not to lose this opportunity. “Social networks, friends, acquaintances,
colleagues and relatives – you must be heard!”
He continued: “We, Ukrainians, want peace! Citizens of Russia for you this fight is not only
for the peace in Ukraine, this is a fight for your country. For the best it had. For the freedom you
saw. For the wealth you have felt. If you keep silent now, then only your poverty will speak for you
later. And only repression will be an answer it. Do not be silent”.
The Russian servicemen, who were taken captive by our defenders started speaking.
Hundreds and hundreds of prisoners. Among them are the pilots of the planes that bombed our
cities and our peaceful people. “We have heard their testimonies, and saw documents, maps, plans
that were elaborated not yesterday. This is not an improvisation, but a war. They prepared this
invasion exactly this way – cruelly, cynically, consciously violating the rules of war. Therefore,
Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol, and many other Ukrainian hero cities have faced pure evil and
atrocity. This was planned, but this will not kill our humanity”. Despite this Ukraine treats war
prisoner under the Geneva Convention, our missiles do not hit in response the Russian or
Belarussian civilian facilities, from where rockets and aviation fly to our territory every day,
columns of military equipment go against peaceful civilians and cities. Zhytomyr, Korosten,
Ovruch, suburbs of Kyiv, cities in the south… They are preparing to bomb Odesa, where Russians
have always come to Odesa and felt only warmth and sincerity there. It will be a war and a
historical crime.
For 11 days the Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, state, and withstood. Ukraine already
understands how it will rebuild the country, and is already forming four special funds for
reconstruction: Fund for the Restoration of Destroyed Property and Infrastructure, Fund for
Economic Recovery and transformation, Public Debt Service and Repayment Fund, Small and
Medium Business Support Fund, and many more programs to support its people.
Briefing of Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk
-Russians disrupted the opening of the humanitarian corridor in Mariupol. At night Ukrainian
side agreed to open a humanitarian corridor in Mariupol. The gathering of people was to take place
from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Unfortunately, at about 9:20 PM, the bombardment with multiple
rocket launcher system Grad began. The humanitarian corridor didn’t work.
-We organized a humanitarian convoy to arrive from Zaporizhia to Mariupol. Eight trucks
with food and medicine. Thirty buses to help transport women, children, and the elderly from
Mariupol on the way back. All this did not happen as Russians were again cynically shelling the
path Ukrainian humanitarian convoy was about to take.
-Address the issue of international students separately. Hundreds of citizens from India (more
than seven hundred), China, Turkey, Pakistan, and other countries (in total, more than two
thousand) today suffer along with Ukrainians from Russian aggression. We had correspondence
with all representatives of embassies all night on how to evacuate the citizens. Question to those
who are still trying to reconcile Putin (for example, to Mr. Erdogan, who had a conversation with
Putin today) Do those who decide to do everything possible to make Putin show his brutality in
civilians know this?
-We are trying to help Chinese students, and I am constantly contacting the Chinese
Ambassador to Ukraine. We are trying to agree on a humanitarian corridor for more than a hundred
students from Sumy.
-What needs to be done to understand that there are no citizens of China, India, Turkey, or
others today – we do not distinguish between a Ukrainians and citizens of Turkey, or China. We help
everyone. Once again, we passed information to the Russian Federation that foreign citizens are in
the column we are forming from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia. We passed a note from the Turkish

ambassador, we gave letters, exchanged all the necessary formal documents to save foreign
-We call on the entire civilized world to say an explicit “no” to Putin’s aggression, killing
citizens of the free world. We must say “yes” to the humanitarian corridors together because it is
necessary to save the lives of your citizens.
Briefing of Advisor to the Head of Office of the President of Ukraine Oleksiy Arestovich
The military and political situation around Ukraine remains controlled by the leadership of
Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At night the enemy was shelling with rockets and
artillery the cities of Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Gostomel, Korosten, Starokostiantyniv, Chernihiv and
Kharkiv. The situation around Kyiv remains tense. Our military makes artillery strikes at the enemy
in the North-West of Kyiv. Due to humanitarian reasons, our forces took other positions in Bucha
and Gostomel so that to avoid any casualties among civilians. Chernihiv is standing and is shooting
down the enemy’s aircrafts, rebuffs attacks on land. In Sumy the enemy is trying to push forward to
the city. Kharkiv made a counter-attack and rebuffed the enemy, and is fixing its positions in
Northern lines. In Bryanka region (Joint Forces Operation area) our army rebuffed the serious
attempt by the enemy’s offensive, and the enemy suffered massive losses. Mariupol is standing. The
Government of Ukraine and the international humanitarian organizations are taking care of the
humanitarian situation, while the Armed Forces supported by other armed formations keep securely
the defense of the city. In Kherson the enemy somewhat moved away from the city, the residents are
resisting, the enemy is trying to move closer to Mykolaiv and Vozenesensk, trying to cause threat to
Pivdennoukrainska (Southern Ukrainian) nuclear power plant, however, the situation remains
controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine that is preparing the defense. Mykolaiv is standing and
has rebuffed yesterday several attempts of attack, and has downed the enemy’s helicopter landing.
Odessa is holding an air and sea defense, downed at least two airplanes of the enemy.
The enemy concentrates his main efforts on the offensive in the north of Mykolaiv, and yesterday
there was an attempt to move from Kharkiv to Dnipro city, which was terminated by the airborne
army of Ukraine.
Address by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to the people of Ukraine
Key messages:

  • We must quickly move to the “Martial Law Economy” – to rebuild the efficient operation of
    all necessary enterprises, mobilize resources, create new logistics;
  • Local authorities of those regions that are now in the hinterland should provide evacuees with
  • If possible, business should gather workers and resume production in safer regions;
  • An updated eSupport program will be launched next week. Under this program, every
    employee, every self-employed person whose job was taken away by the war, will be able to receive
    6.5 thousand hryvnias;
  • We are negotiating financial assistance with all international organizations and countries.
    According to the latest decisions, the European Investment Bank will transfer 639 million euros from
    other projects to the state budget of Ukraine. We have already approved the necessary documents in
    the Government;
  • The Ministry of Finance has already issued the first issue of military bonds, the second is on
    the way;
  • Funds which will be used to restore Ukraine are now being created. The government has
    already authorized the relevant ministries to open four accounts with the National Bank, which will
    be credited with funds from individuals, organizations, companies and international financial
    organizations. Such funds will be: the Fund for Economic Recovery and Transformation, the Fund

for Small and Medium Business Support, the Fund for Restoration of Property and Destroyed
Infrastructure, ss well as the Public Debt Service and Repayment Fund;

  • The state has already begun to place government orders at enterprises to meet the most
    critical needs. It’s not just about weapons. We are talking about food, medicine, fuel and other
    important goods;
  • The government also decided to restrict the export of a number of socially important goods
    and raw materials from which they are made. Control over food security is currently one of the
    priorities of the Ministry of Economy.
    Iryna Venediktova, Prosecutor General of Ukraine is the main platform for collecting evidence of Russian crimes.
    All important information about the crimes of the enemy must be accumulated and properly
    documented. The Prosecutor’s General Office created a single resource for this – This is a kind of evidentiary hub that all law enforcement and government
    agencies work with.
    The Prosecutor’s General Office continues to play a coordinating role even under martial law.
    On this platform we bring together law enforcement officers, experts, representatives of public and
    international organizations, journalists and all those who want to help and record the brutal killings
    of civilians and other crimes of the Russian Federation on our soil.
    For the information gathered to be used later by the Prosecutor’s General Office in the
    International Criminal Court in Hague and in Ukrainian courts and during potential special
    international tribunals, it must be responsibly and professionally collected and documented
    according to internationally recognized standards. This evidence will be used by the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs at the UN International Court of Justice and by the Ministry of Justice at the
    European Court of Human Rights.
    Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
    The Ukrainian authorities are in constant and intensive negotiations with international
    organizations, in particular the International Committee of the Red Cross. They appeal to the
    Russian leadership so that, in accordance with humanitarian law, evacuation corridors can be
    organized for our civilians from the places of the fiercest battles. The process is complicated, the
    Russian side does not always adhere to its commitments and does not profess the principles of
    humanism inherent in modern civilization.
    There have been some successes, but there are constant obstacles to the evacuation of women,
    children and the elderly. For example, the continuous shelling of Mariupol, in particular the shelling
    of depots with evacuation buses, the shelling of the railway near Irpin in the Kyiv region, the
    destruction of the bridge on the way to Volnovakha – forced to adjust plans and routes.
    Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
    In order to prevent the occupiers from blocking our television and disseminating lies, together
    with the streaming service MEGOGO we are launching an online broadcast of Ukrainian TV
    channels in the Diia application – Diia TV. Due to this, Ukrainians will have free access to news
    anywhere and anytime. Now Diia TV broadcasts the marathon of unity “We are strong together”,
    which was joined by leading Ukrainian TV channels.
    Kyiv City Administration

Kyiv’s infrastructure is stable, with light, heat and water. Hospitals are working in an
intensified mode. In the capital, fortifications have been built at the entrances to the city,
checkpoints have been set up.
The city has a curfew from 20:00 to 7:00. At this time, citizens are prohibited from going
outside. The only exception: when in case of air alarm, you need to get to the shelter.


The National Bank of Ukraine
As of 6 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 10 billion has been transferred to
the special account the NBU opened to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Money has been coming in from people and businesses in Ukraine and from all over the
international community (including the U.S., the UK, Poland, Germany, Sweden, Finland, the
Czech Republic, China, France, Canada, and many other countries). Over UAH 2.9 million of
that amount has been received from abroad in foreign currencies.
To help the Ukrainian Army, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a card:
Special Fundraising Account for Humanitarian Purposes
As of 6 March 2022, an equivalent of more than UAH 57.5 billion has been transferred to the
special account of the Ministry of Social Policy the NBU opened for humanitarian aid
Now, the funds on the account of the Ministry of Social Policy amount to UAH 57.5 million.
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine is both the recipient and administrator of the funds
credited to the account opened by the NBU for humanitarian aid from Ukraine and abroad.
To help the people affected by the war, funds can be transferred both to IBAN and from a
Ukrainian railways save Ukrainian food exports. Russia’s illegal military aggression has led to
the seaports’ closure, which Ukraine used to export agricultural products to consumers worldwide.
This situation causes problems not only for Ukraine. The share of Ukrainian grain on the world
market is 11%, the share of sunflower oil – is 55%. Every tenth loaf of bread in the world is baked
from Ukrainian grain. The war against Ukraine threatens the world with food shortages. To prevent
the global food crisis and save Ukrainian exports, JSC Ukrainian railways is ready to organize
agricultural products delivery by rail urgently.
The logistics of grain delivery to the border with Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland are
already being worked out, from where the grain will be delivered to ports and logistics hubs of
European countries. In particular, the Ukrzaliznytsia team is working on logistics routes that will
allow grain delivery through the following crossings:
In the direction of Romania:
Reni Station (capacity 87 carriages per day)
Giurgiuleşti Station (capacity 5 carriages per day)
Izmail station (capacity 18 carriages per day)
Vadul-Siret Station (capacity 40 carriages per day)
In the direction of Poland:
Maciejów Station (capacity of 20 carriages per day)
Mostyska-2 station (capacity 25 carriages per day)
In the direction of Hungary:
Batyovo station (capacity 17 carriages per day)
In the direction of Hungary and Slovakia:

Chop station (capacity 20 carriages per day)
Mukachevo station (capacity of 10 carriages per day)
Esen station (capacity 30 carriages per day)

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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.