March 7, 2022

War Bulletin 25

Ukraine Defense Ministry

March 7, 7.00 p.m. EST

A major general of the Russian army was liquidated near Kharkiv.

Russian Armed Forces plan to intensify their war aviation in order to launch missile and bomb strikes on major cities and industrial infrastructure of Ukraine.

The air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian warplanes.

Ukraine calls on the international community to increase pressure on Russia to comply with its international obligations, including the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, and not to pose additional security risks to the biological agents.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded the Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom.


Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

A major general of the Russian army was liquidated near Kharkiv.

During the fighting near Kharkiv, major general Vitaly Gerasimov, a Russian military leader, chief of staff, and first deputy commander of the 41st Army of the Central Military District of Russia was killed in action. A number of senior Russian army officers were also killed and wounded.

Vitaly Gerasimov participated in the Second Chechen War and the Russian Military Operation in Syria. He received a medal “For the Return of the Crimea.”

The data obtained also indicate significant problems with communication in the Russian army and with the evacuation of their defeated units.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to conduct protective measures within the Southern, Eastern and Northern Operational Zones, and the Joint Forces – in the eastern part of the Donetsk Operational District. Successful, defense of the city of Kyiv continues.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repel concentrated missile and air strikes of the enemy. Protection of critical Ukrainian infrastructure and troops is being provided at the highest level.

Russian Armed Forces plan to intensify their war aviation in order to launch missile and bomb strikes on major cities and industrial infrastructure of Ukraine. To fulfil this goal, the aviation units of the Central and Eastern Military Districts are being transferred to the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

In the village of Myla (Kyiv region) a unit of Kadyrov (Chechen) mercenaries is shelling civilians.

Enemy groups operating in certain areas of Konotop and Okhtyrka lost up to 50 percent of their personnel. To continue the offensive, they need to regroup and replenish supplies.

The insidiousness of the occupiers is manifested in the tactics of terror against the civilian population. One of the most brutal examples of such actions is shelling of organized by the Ukrainian authorities’ humanitarian convoys.

The moral and psychological state of the enemy remains extremely low and tends to deteriorate. In some areas, the Russian soldiers are throwing out their own documents and trying to return to Russia.

The enemy continues the offensive operation against Ukraine with the support of aircraft and missile strikes, focusing its main efforts on the following tasks: providing a land corridor between the Temporary occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the mainland of the Russian Federation; taking full control of Mariupol; encirclement with further capture of Kyiv, as well as access to the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

During the day, the enemy regrouped to organize the storming of Kyiv. The occupiers plan to join the assault by the most capable units and subdivisions of the Ramzan Kadyrov Special Guards Regiment (Grozny), the 27th Detachment of the Kuzbass (Kemerovo), the 604th Vityaz Center (Moscow) of the Russian guard, and the private military company Liga (formerly Wagner).

In the Polissya direction, the enemy concentrated in the settlements of Poliske, Kukhari, Borodyanka, Byshiv, Gorenichi, Demiyiv.

In the Byshiv direction, the enemy was maneuvering with forces up to two BTGs from the 36th Army of the RF Armed Forces and is trying to move forward.

In the Tarasivshchyna and Rakivka directions, the enemy from the 98th Airborne Division in cooperation with BTGr 155 Separate Marine Brigade after forcing the Irpin River near Rakivka launched an offensive, but has suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment, lost part of the offensive potential, and stopped.

In the Seversky direction, the enemy is conducting an offensive operation with the help of units from 2 and 41 Armies of the RF Armed Forces and the 90th Tank Division of the Central Military District in order to block Chernihiv and prepare for the attack on Sumy.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy forces the 1st Tank Army of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 12 BTGr), the 20th Army of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 8 BTGr), the 6th Army (up to 2 BTGr) of the Western Military District, and the 14th Army Corps of the Russian Armed Forces (up to 2 BTGr) focuses on the directions of Kaniv, Novomoskovsk. Stopped and trying to resume the offensive on Severodonetsk by the 144th Motorized Rifle Division of the 20th Army of the Russian Armed Forces. Carries out regrouping and preparation for the storming of the city of Sumy.

In an attempt to capture Izum, the enemy suffered losses and retreated. The occupiers terrorized the city, shelling civilian homes and infrastructure.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy with forces of up to 7 BTGr 1, 2 AK, and 150 Motorized Infantry Division of the 8th Army continues offensive operations in the direction of the Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia in order to reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk region.

In order to conduct offensive operations in the direction of Severodonetsk, the BTGr of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division is being moved. Attempts to break through the defense in the Volnovakha direction. He is trying to break through the defense of Mariupol, but to no avail.

On the Tavriya direction the enemy forces separate forces of separate divisions of the 49th Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 22 Army Corps, 20 Motorized Infantry Division of the 8th Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and Airborne Troops in the following directions; to Voznesensk – up to 3 BTGr from the 49th Army of the RF Armed Forces; in Zaporizhia – up to 4 BTGr of the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division and 136 Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 58th Army of the RF Armed Forces; Melitopol, Mariupol – up to 3 BTGr from the 19th Motorized Rifle Division of the 58th Army. Carries out regrouping of troops for offensive operations.

In the South Bug operational area, the enemy is stopped on approaches to Nikolaev, carries out regrouping of troops for resumption of offensive.

In general, the moral and psychological state of the enemy is low. He is demoralized due to heavy losses in manpower and military equipment, in some areas Russian soldiers are trying to desert.

During the fighting near Kharkiv, the Chief of Staff, First Deputy Commander of the 41st Army, Major General Vitaliy Gerasimov, was killed, and several senior officers of the Army Staff were killed and wounded.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian warplanes: the first – over Kyiv at 8:30 p.m., and the second – in the air battle at 21:10 in the vicinity of Kyiv.

Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces

12 days of the war, and the Ukrainian air defense is still effectively destroying the Russian forces in the sky.

Many cruise missiles fired by Russians from various directions do not reach their targets thanks to the state’s air defense system. Today, one more of them was intercepted by a missile fired from a Ukrainian fighter jet.

Last night, Ukrainian fighter jets destroyed two enemy aircraft in an air battle near the capital. The third – in the same battle, was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile.

The Air Force’s strike aircraft worked extremely successfully in several strategic areas. Su-25 attack aircraft and Su-24m bombers burned several convoys of enemy equipment.

On March 7, there are reports of the downing of one enemy helicopter and three fighter jets. One of them was shot down in the Kharkiv region by a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine, the other two – near Kyiv, shot down by an anti-aircraft missile unit and an aircraft fighter jet of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Dozens of the Russian cruise and ballistic missiles, 52 fighter jets, 69 helicopters, and other small targets were shot down by the Air Force of Ukraine since February 24th.

OSCE /SMM to Ukraine

On March 6, the SMM Mission received reports that the SMM premises in Mariupol were damaged by shelling. According to initial reports from SMM national mission members, the building has been damaged, SMM communication equipment has been destroyed, and two SMM vehicles were set on fire. 

The process of temporary evacuation of all international mission members is nearing its completion. The last remaining group – the Chief Monitor and senior management team – will now leave Ukraine.

The relocation of national mission members formerly stationed in Kramatorsk and Sievierodonetsk continues while the relocation of those formerly stationed in Mariupol is still pending due to security concerns. Another convoy of national mission members from Kyiv has started its movement out of the capitol of Ukraine.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The Russian Federation continues to circulate misinformation about weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine.

After a series of absurd statements by Russian officials about the alleged creation of a “dirty” nuclear bomb in Ukraine, the Russian disinformation machine has switched to the biological weapons.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has refuted information circulated by Russian propaganda media about the alleged “emergency stripping of the military-biological program funded by the US Department of Defense” and “destruction of especially dangerous pathogens.” The Ministry of Health of Ukraine also stress that there are no American laboratories in Ukraine.

All laboratory facilities in Ukraine perform a single general function – the indication and identification of pathogens of infectious diseases that have significant epidemic potential and/or international significance and are subject to regulation in accordance with international health regulations.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine also drew attention to the fact that the documents published by Russia do not mention particularly dangerous biopathogens, development of which Russian propaganda attribute to Ukraine.

Russia’s military aggression has significantly weakened Ukraine’s national biological security system. In particular, by seizing Ukrainian research and sanitary-epidemiological institutions in the temporarily occupied Crimea, as well as in the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Russia deliberately ignores the requirements for providing information on the status and location of pathogens that were stored in these facilities and used in the development of vaccines as well as for diagnostic purposes for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.

Under the ongoing armed invasion of the Russian troops into Ukrainian territory, the Government of Ukraine is making every effort to ensure strong protection of all laboratories in the controlled territories.

In this context, any attempt by Russia to seize biological materials is extremely dangerous and could pose a threat to both the security of Ukraine and the whole Europe.

Russia’s public statements about the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine should be considered as misinformation and provocation.

Ukraine calls upon the international community to increase pressure on Russia to comply with its international obligations, including the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, and not to pose additional security risks to the biological agents.



Third round of talks

During the third round of talks in Belarus, the delegations of Ukraine and Russia clarified the details of the functioning of humanitarian corridors to provide more effective assistance to people in the cities most affected by the Russian shelling. This was stated by Adviser to the Head of the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak after the meeting.

“We have received some positive results in terms of logistics of humanitarian corridors. They will be amended, and we will receive more effective assistance to people who are currently suffering from the aggression of the Russian Federation,” he said.

Intensive consultations will be continued on the basic, political bloc of settlement, in particular on the ceasefire and security guarantees.

“There are no results that significantly improve the situation yet,” Mykhailo Podoliak said.

“However, I emphasize once again that the consultations will be continued and we will get the result,” the Adviser to the Head of the President’s Office summed up.

Office of the President of Ukraine

The address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky 

– My team and I are staying in Kyiv, on Bankova street. We are not hiding and not being afraid of anyone. We will stay here as long as it takes to win this war.

– I’m proud of Ukrainians, civilians who defend their cities, towns, villages even without special armament, as our main weapon is bravery and strength of spirit to tell the aggressor: “This is my land, go away!” All Ukrainians who protest against invaders are heroes 

– In the south of Ukraine a powerful national front of resistance unfolded, which was completely unexpected by the enemy. The spirit of a true Ukraine reigns in those cities, because the truth is on the side of Ukrainians who defend their homes.

– We will rebuild Ukrainian cities like Energodar or Chornobil and make them even better. Today invaders fired at the old bakery in Makarov and hit the church in Zhytomyr. It is impossible to explain the logic of such barbaric actions.

– The third round of talks took place in Belarus today, but it`s not the last one, we are waiting to be able to tell Ukrainians how we will come to peace.

– Today I signed a decree to award 96 Ukrainians, our military men and women, with the title of Hero of Ukraine. We are grateful to every hero and every ordinary soldier, we highly value our armed forces.


Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States Oksana Markarova received the Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which was presented by the head of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Frederic Ryan.

Frederick Ryan stressed that this high award honors the leadership of the President of Ukraine and the steadfastness of millions of Ukrainians who defend their right to choose their own future and inspire the entire civilized world to fight for the values of freedom and democracy to which Ronald Reagan dedicated his life.  

The Freedom Medal was established by the President Ronald Reagan Foundation in 1992. It is awarded to outstanding world figures for “making a significant and lasting contribution to the development of freedom in the world.” During the entire existence of the award, only 10 people became its laureates.


Prime Minister of Ukraine Briefing 

140,000 Ukrainians, primarily men, have returned home to Ukraine. They are ready not only to defend their homes but also to work for victory. Ukrainian companies are prepared and invite various specialists to work. Following instructions from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the government has formed a package of decisions to support Ukrainian business during the war.

First: Ukrainians will be exempt from paying the Single Social Payment for physical persons of entrepreneurs of groups 1 and 2 during martial law and within a year after its completion.

Second: Ukrainian Government will exempt enterprises and individuals of entrepreneurs of the 3rd group from paying the Single Social Payment for employees drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other armed groups, including territorial defense. The state will pay the fee.

Third: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is postponing the payment of taxes for all entrepreneurs who cannot pay them.

Fourth: Registration of Settlement Operations will be postponed for all individual entrepreneurs.

Fifth: the government will abolish all the market and consumer supervision measures in all matters except price regulation and pricing control. A moratorium on inspections of all types for business has already been established.

All these decisions and several other additional decisions are necessary for this support package to work, have already been adopted, or will be approved by the authorities shortly. The government and local authorities are also actively taking additional measures to stabilize prices for the products of first necessity. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision that allows Regional military administrations, together with the National Police of Ukraine and the State Service for Medications and Drugs Control, to monitor the prices of socially important: food, medicine, and fuel. Also, a significant number of the government and local authorities is working to ensure the proper functioning of critical infrastructure, including those parts of it that supply people with electricity, heat, and water.

It was decided that 12 Ukrainian thermal power plants will now receive gas from Naftogaz of Ukraine for 7 hryvnias per cubic meter. This will allow the relevant companies to buy the necessary volumes of natural gas to continue to operate stably and supply electricity to Ukrainian families despite possible disruptions in the supply of coal products, which is also very important.

“I would also like to thank the Ukrainian energetic power engineers, who hold a vital energy front for the country. You make miracles every day so that, where possible, Ukrainians stay with light, warmth, and gas. Every family is grateful to you.” stressed Shmyhal


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Operational Situation On the Diplomatic Front

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba has announced an initiative to set up a special tribunal for Russia to hold it accountable for crimes against the Ukrainian people.

☑️ Sanctions:

🔺 Canada imposes new sanctions on 10 Russian officials, people in business and propagandists involved in Russia’s armed invasion in Ukraine;

🔺 Following the meeting in London, the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands agreed to impose new restrictive measures against Russian Federation;

☑️ Financial assistance:

🔺 Great Britain will provide Ukraine with an additional 175 million pounds of financial aid;

🔺 Germany plans to allocate 38.5 million euros for emergency services of Ukraine, as well as for the accommodation of internally displaced persons;

🔺 Slovenia will send up to 5,000 StarLink satellite Internet reception stations to Ukraine.

☑️ Isolation of the Russian Federation:

🔺 Danish energy company Ørsted will not sign new contracts with Russia. The company also cut off supplies of Russian coal to its power plants;

🔺 One of the world’s largest audit companies, Ernst & Young, has suspended its work in Russia;

🔺 Deloitte rejects customers from Russia and Belarus. Deloitte became the last of the Big Four audit companies to announce its withdrawal from Russia after its invasion to Ukraine;

🔺 Danish concern Arla Foods, which is the largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia, has begun preparations to close its operations in Russia;

🔺 The Singaporian stock labor Exchange Regulation has stopped trading in Gazprom shares;

🔺 Singapore’s largest telecommunications companies, StarHub and SingTel, have stopped broadcasting Russian state media RT;

🔺 Boeing aircraft manufacturer suspends titanium purchases in Russia due to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

☑️ Humanitarian aid:

🔺 The Kingdom of Bahrain has decided to provide $1 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine;

🔺 UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation sent 30 tons of medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine;

🔺 The Chancellor of Austria Karl Negammer and his wife donate 15,000 euros through the charity “Neighbor in Need” to help people in Ukraine.


Creation of a chat bot to help children in emergency situations

The war started by Russia is taking hundreds of civilian lives. Children are often left without parents or lost during evacuation. Their parents die defending Ukraine.

Together with UNICEF, the Office of the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy created a chat bot to help children in emergency situations during wartime:

The war can separate parents from children, put families in crisis. As adults, we must do everything in our power to help. If your family is willing to provide temporary refuge for a child; if you know of international organizations that are willing to host Ukrainian children; if you have any other questions regarding children — you can access the hotline. 

Because of the war, children can end up far away from their parents and find themselves in difficult circumstances. Our common mission is to help them.



The National Bank of Ukraine 

The USAID Technical Assistance to Agricultural Lending in Ukraine (CEP) Project, implemented by the World Credit Union Council (WOCCU), has actively participated in the actions of the National Bank for the Support of Credit Unions of Ukraine.

USAID allowed the United Credit Unions of Ukraine to use the funds previously provided by the project to develop agricultural lending to provide liquidity. This will allow you to quickly return the savings of some depositors.

WOCCU and the CEP Project plan to create an international platform that will accumulate financial and technological resources to restore the activities of credit unions in Ukraine. Under the auspices of the WOCCU and the CEP Project, a dialogue is being initiated with institutions involved in social lending and microbusiness financing.

In addition, WOCCU, credit unions of Canada, the United States, Poland and Lithuania are ready to provide financial support to Ukrainian credit unions for the rapid resumption of their activities. Thus, from the first days of the war, credit unions of the United States and Canada, established by Ukrainian communities, have already provided $ 1 million in support of Ukraine.


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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.