March 31, 2022


Ukraine Defense Ministry

March 31, 11.00 a.m. EST
General Stuff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 31.03:
personnel – 17500,
tanks ‒ 614,
APVs ‒ 1735,
artillery systems – 311,
MLRS – 96,
anti-aircraft warfare systems – 54,
aircrafts – 135,
helicopters – 131,
vehicles – 1201,
vessels – 7,
fuel tanks – 75,
UAVs operational-tactical level – 83.
special equipment – 22.
mobile SRBM systems – 4.
The thirty-sixth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military
invasion began.
The main efforts of the Russian enemy are focused on maintaining the occupied territory,
preparing for the resumption of offensive operations in certain areas and establishing full control
over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Russians are taking measures to replenish groups of the armed forces of the Russian
federation in order to conduct an offensive in the Eastern Operational Zone of Ukraine. The transfer
of part of the enemy’s equipment from the territory of the republic of Belarus to the territory of the
Russian federation by railways was recorded.
There is a threat that Russians will use missiles, striking objects of the defense-industrial
complex and logistical infrastructure of Ukraine. Additional units of the armed forces of the
Russian Federation are being relocated to Ukraine to conduct hostilities. At the same time, some
military units of the Russian enemy have already exhausted the possibilities of forming reserves.
In the Volyn direction, no significant changes in the composition and position of Russian
enemy troops were noted.
In the Polissya direction, the enemy’s main efforts are focused on withdrawing units from the
territory of Ukraine, restoring their combat capability and transferring them to other directions. In
particular, the enemy is moving units of the 35th, 36th All-Military Armies and the 76th Airborne
Assault Division of the Airborne Troops from the Polissya Operational District.
To ensure the withdrawal of troops, the occupiers are conducting artillery fire on the positions
of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and carry out remote mining of the area by means
prohibited by international conventions. Due to the critical situation, the withdrawal of units of the
35th All-Military Army is personally organized by the commander of the army, Lieutenant General
Oleksandr Sanchyk.
According to the available information, during the fighting against Ukraine, the losses of the
1st Motorized Rifle Battalion of the 36th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade (unit 06705, Borzya) of
the 29th All-Military Army accounted for more than 60% of the personnel.


In the Siversky direction, the Russian enemy operates with the help of separate units of the
2nd, 41st All-Military Army and 90th Tank Division of the Central Military District.
The Russian occupiers continue to block and carry out artillery shelling of Chernihiv. They
are fixed on the occupied frontiers and are regrouping. Russians use UAVs to conduct
reconnaissance and adjust artillery fire.
In the Brovary direction, the enemy continues to withdraw units to the border areas with the
Russian federation.
Some units remain at positions and checkpoints along transport communications and on the
approaches to temporarily occupied settlements, mines areas and civilian objects.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian enemy continues to carry out artillery shelling of
the city of Kharkiv.
In the direction of Slovyansk, the Russian enemy continues to regroup troops and replenish
ammunition and fuel and oil.
In the Donetsk direction, the Russian enemy is concentrating its main efforts on taking control
of the settlements of Popasna, Rubizhne, as well as the capture of the city of Mariupol.
Russians intensified air strikes with the use of operational and tactical aircraft on troops and
facilities in the areas of the settlements of Lysychansk, Rubizhne, Popasna, and Kreminna. The
enemy attempted to bypass Ukrainian forces, but was unsuccessful. Russians are strengthening the
group in the Donetsk direction. The arrival of railway echelons with weapons and equipment at the
Rovenky railway station was noted.
Russians continue assault in the city of Mariupol.
The Russian enemy concentrated its efforts on maintaining the occupied positions in the areas
of the settlements of Novozlatopil and Lyubimovka.
In the Tavriya direction, near Nova Kakhovka, the enemy deployed a logistics base and does
not take active action.
In the South Bug direction, the Russian enemy is taking measures to restore combat capability
and continues to carry out engineering activities. Russians are attempting to block the actions of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery fire.
Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights
Liberated from the Russians cities are a mirror of the ” Russian world”, mass murder, torture
and destruction.
During the occupation and fighting in Trostyanets, the city sustained a large-scale destruction.
90% of the settlement is without heating, electricity, water and communication.
The bodies of dead or tortured are found in the city every day. Number of citizens abducted or
forcibly deported to Russia is still unknown.
About 10,000 citizens who remained in Trostyanets need food and medicine. During the 30
days of occupation and looting of Russians, many people went on a hunger strike.
Russians also mined the cemetery, leaving a large number of streamers – in the fields,
roadsides and roads.
As of 10 a.m. on March 31, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial
Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 148 children (+3 per day) have died
and 232 children (+10 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
In the Luhansk region, Russians are constantly shelling peaceful cities. Two people died, five
were injured and 21 were rescued from debris and fires. The city of Lysychansk was attacked by
Russian artillery, settlement of Popasna was heavily bombed by the aircraft.
As a result of heavy shelling of Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Lysychansk, Kreminna, dozens of
civilian objects were damaged – a school, an oil depot, dozens of houses in Severodonetsk and


Lysychansk were engulfed in Russian fire. Injured and killed in Lysychans could not be removed
from the streets due to the heavy fire from the enemy.
Centre of Strategic Communications
Situation in Kyiv Region: mined areas and regular shelling.
In Kyiv region, the enemy, retreating, mined some areas and residential buildings, stressed the
Head of the Kyiv Oblast Administration O.Pavlyuk. Such cases are increasingly detected, mines are
O.Pavlyuk also noted that the dangerous areas still remain:

  • Settlements along the Zhytomyr highway;
  • Bucha – Vorzel – Gostomel;
  • Dmitrov community;
  • Makariv community;
  • north of Vyshhorod district;
  • territories of some settlements of Baryshivska, Kalitnyanska, Velykodymerska communities.
    Every day there are 30 to 40 enemy shelling of housing estates and social infrastructure of
    Kyiv region.
    As of March 31, the level of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is not monitored.
    The system for monitoring the level of radiation pollution in the Chernobyl zone is not
    working. This was announced by the Head of the State Agency for Exclusion Zone Management
    Yevhen Kramarenko on national TV:
  • Previously, the level of radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant could be observed
  • The last time the monitoring system was working was on March 25, when the radiation
    level exceeded the norm seven times.
  • Currently, the monitoring system is not working, so it is impossible to find out the level of
    radiation and air pollution.


President of Ukraine
Speech by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the States General of the
I have the great honor of becoming the first foreign head of state to address the House of
Representatives of the Netherlands and your people. In this format, at such a time.
I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity. For the fact that in these critical circumstances in
which my country and our entire continent found themselves, I can explain to you directly what is
happening and why it is so important to be together now for all of us, for all Europeans. For all who
value peace on our planet.
So much has been done since World War II so that what Ukraine is experiencing right now
never happens again. But everything repeats.
The World War II began with the destruction of individual states as well. And then it led to
the tragedy of Rotterdam, the terrible bombing of London and the massacre that engulfed all of
Especially since many in Russia want to carry this aggression further, further to Europe. The
shadow of those ruins of Rotterdam is already hanging over many European cities. Ukraine is just
the beginning, if Russia isn’t stopped. If we don’t stop it immediately!
36 days! 36! That is how long our state, our people have already been fighting alone against
the army, which was considered among the strongest in the world. Russia has been preparing for


this campaign against us, against freedom, against our people for decades. They have accumulated
as many resources to spend on war, on death, as not every European country can spend on life.
For many others, the war in Ukraine is becoming routine. Unfortunately, this is true. Routine.
But not for those whose lives are in danger every minute.
Who, as residents of our city of Mariupol, has been under complete blockade for more than
three weeks already.
Hundreds of children were killed. Thousands of people were killed. Tens of thousands of
houses were destroyed. Burned cities, villages. Russian occupiers rape women in occupied areas.
They loot everything they can, everything they find. They even kill not to achieve any military
success anymore. Not to sow terror.
Tomorrow your country will celebrate 450 years since the beginning of the armed uprising
against tyranny. A fundamental event for your state, for your society. What was the goal of the
founders of the Netherlands? Obviously: freedom, democracy, human dignity, cohesion, cultural,
religious diversity.
And all this is now under attack again. All this now needs to be defended again. To be
defended in the east of Europe, to be defended in our state, in Ukraine. So far only in Ukraine… So
far there is a chance to stop the tyranny on our land and drive it back, beyond our Ukrainian border.
I am grateful to you, politicians, I am grateful to all ordinary people for the extremely strong
support of my state, our people at this time. For leadership in sanctions. For the principled stance in
business activity related to the Russian Federation. For the help you provide to Ukrainian
immigrants who have felt family care in your society. This is all extremely valuable!
But Russia does not cease hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Exactly on the territory of
Ukraine. And we have to do much more to restore peace. To protect freedom. To save us as a state.
And to really ensure one vital fact: there will never be another war in Europe. Never again!
In 2014, the world did not fully understand why the Russian occupiers came to our land. Then

  • to the land of Crimea, partly – to the land of Donbas. There can be no doubt that this is a totally
    unjust war.
    Your city, The Hague, the capital of international justice, knows exactly how to do it. I’m sure
    they will do it! To assert international law. To assert the rule of law. To assert justice that is clear to
    everyone on Earth.
    But for that to happen, sanctions need to be stepped up. Together with other EU countries,
    you have to do everything possible so that Russia does not have the resources to continue this war,
    the war in Europe, and so that there is no political opportunity to hide criminals.
    Close your ports to Russian ships! Together with all other EU countries. Stop any trade with
    this country that has forgotten all the lessons of World War II!
    Get ready faster to give up Russia’s energy resources, so that billions, billions of euros for
    them do not go to arms production and mass killings in Ukraine.
    Tyranny must lose. Tyranny must always lose.
    And for that to happen, freedom must get all the weapons it needs to win, to defend itself. The
    weapons that are available on the continent. The weapons you have.
    “Stingers” and “Panzerfausts” allow you to hold on, to fight. However, this is not a weapon of
    victory. We desperately need weapons that can make our skies safe, that we can use to unblock our
    cities where Russia is artificially creating famine.
    We need weapons that can drive the occupiers out of our land. Aircraft, tanks, NASAMS air-
    defense systems and Spike anti-tank systems, shells, missiles and more. You have this list. And I
    hope you will find an opportunity to help us as much as you can, to help us with that.
    The second point. I urge you to influence international institutions! The crimes of the Russian
    occupiers must be punished. Deportations, massacres, destruction of civilian infrastructure,
    bombing of hospitals – all this must be answered by the democratic community.
    Third. We already have to think about rebuilding Ukraine. About how we all – not only
    Ukrainians, but all Europeans – will return to a peaceful life.


I dream of this day. The day when Ukrainian immigrants who arrived in the European Union
after the beginning of the Russian aggression will be able to say “thank you” and return home.
Return to rebuilt cities, to restored Ukraine.
And I invite your country to join this project – the project of reconstruction of Ukraine. I urge
you to choose a city, a region of our state that can see your care, can feel what you can do.
I believe that this will happen very soon! Because it is absolutely rational. With our potential,
with our people, with our ability to defend freedom. And you know this perfectly well! And you
know very well, my friend Mark, that our accession to the European Union depends very much on
you, on your country.
I want to thank you for everything!
Full speech:
Address by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Australian Parliament
In May 2016, thousands of Australians gathered at Perth Airport to see the Ukrainian “Mriya”
for the first time. “Mriya” is the name of our An-225 aircraft. “Mriya” is a dream in English. After
covering almost 15,000 kilometers, it delivered to Australia an urgent cargo – a 130-ton electric
generator, which your enterprise desperately needed. Delivery by sea would take several months.
And the Ukrainian plane did it in a few days.
We have always been proud of our “Mriya”. Not because it is the largest on the planet. First of
all because it helped people from all over the world by delivering food, drinking water, equipment
for peacekeeping and humanitarian missions.
Unfortunately, now it is impossible. On February 27, as a result of fighting in the city of
Hostomel, our plane “Mriya” was burned. Can we say that Russia has destroyed our dream? No. It
burned the plane, it burned the iron. It destroyed matter, not soul.
For decades, there has been no such threat of nuclear strikes as there is now. Because Russian
officials and state propagandists are openly discussing the use of nuclear weapons against those
who do not want to obey Russian demands.
If Russia is not stopped now, if Russia is not brought to justice, some other countries in the
world that dream of a similar war against their neighbors will decide that this is possible for them as
The fate of global security is being decided now. After 36 days of Russia’s full-scale war
against Ukraine, it is safe to say that there is no other way in the world to guarantee global security
than to force Russia into silence, into peace. And also to bring it to justice – this is important – for
everything it has done against global security.
I am sure that each of you, as well as each of us Ukrainians, remembers the tragedy of MH-

  1. Malaysian Boeing shot down by the Russian occupiers in the sky over the Ukrainian Donbas.
    Then 298 people died. My condolences to all the families who lost their loved ones.
    But was it possible to bring to justice those who caused this tragedy? No. They are hiding in
    Russia. And, obviously, received security guarantees from the Russian state. Has Russia paid
    compensation to the relatives of the victims? No. It still denies its guilt in the tragedy.
    We need to fix these terrible mistakes now.
    I am grateful to Australia for its bipartisan support for our defense against invaders. For the
    help that your state has already given us. In particular, for 70 thousand tons of coal for the needs of
    our energy.
    Together we can, and must do more. New sanctions against Russia are needed. Strong
    sanctions. As long as it doesn’t abandon nuclear blackmail, the blockade of the sea, it must pay the
    highest price. No Russian ship should be allowed into the ports of the free world. Buying Russian
    oil means paying for the destruction of the foundations of global security. Any business activity
    with Russia must be completely stopped.
    Dear friends, the geographical distance between us is insane. Thousands of kilometers. But
    what does this distance mean for those who have a common understanding, who see the world the
    same way, who are bitterly disturbed when the enemy comes, when children are killed, when cities


are destroyed, when refugees are shot on the roads, when a peaceful country is turned into a burned
territory? Then any distance disappears. Geography means nothing. Only humanity matters. Only a
dream of returning to a peaceful life.
Full speech:
Deputy Prime Minister – Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied
Ukraine has received a message from the International Committee of the Red Cross that the
Russian Federation confirms its readiness to open access for the humanitarian convoy to Mariupol
in transit through Berdyansk. In addition, two humanitarian corridors in the Zaporizhzhia region
have been agreed – from Melitopol and Enerhodar. This was announced by Iryna Vereshchuk.
According to her, 45 buses were sent to Mariupol along the route. In particular, as of 9:00 am,
28 buses were to be allowed to pass through the Russian checkpoint in Vasylivka. In addition, 17
buses have already departed from Zaporizhzhia.
“We will do everything possible to ensure that buses arrive in Mariupol today and pick up
people who have not yet been able to get out of the city,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.
Two humanitarian corridors in the Zaporizhzhia region have been agreed. In particular, for the
delivery of humanitarian aid and the evacuation of people from the city of Melitopol. It is also
planned to organize a column of citizens on their own transport from the city of Enerhodar to

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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.