March 9, 2022


Ukraine Defense Ministry

March 9, 10.00 EST

Dmytro Kuleba: The only electrical grid supplying the Chornobyl NPP and all its
nuclear facilities occupied by Russian army is damaged.
Russia continues to focus its efforts on encircling the city of Kyiv, capturing the cities of
Sumy, Kharkiv, Mariupol, and Mykolayiv; providing a land corridor between the temporary
occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the mainland of the Russian
Deputy Prime Minister: “Ukraine calls on Russia to comply with the obligations to cease
fire at the sites of humanitarian corridors.”
Russian terrorists are neglecting any human values and continue to destroy hospitals
and attack doctors in Ukraine. During the 13 days of the war 61 hospitals have been damaged.
Commissioner for human rights of Ukraine: “As of March 9, 2022, since the beginning
of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 61 children have died and 100 children have been

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The fourteenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military
invasion continues.
The enemy significantly reduced the pace of troop advance, but did not refuse to conduct an
offensive operation.
Russia is losing manpower and equipment; its personnel is demoralized. The enemy continues
to focus its efforts on encircling the city of Kyiv, capturing the cities of Sumy, Kharkiv, Mariupol,
and Mykolayiv; providing a land corridor between the TOT of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
and the mainland of the Russian Federation.
The formation of the enemy’s reserves in the points of permanent deployment continues in
order to further transfer them to certain areas in our country.
Due to the fierce resistance of the residents of Kherson, the occupiers are trying to impose an
administrative-police regime, for which units of the Russian guard were deployed in the Kherson
region, which illegally detained more than 400 citizens of Ukraine.
In the Volyn direction, the enemy does not carry out offensive actions, but there is a high
probability of sabotage at military facilities and civilian infrastructure in Rivne and Lviv regions by
sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the invaders.
In the Polissya direction, the enemy is acting with the help of separate units of the 29th, 35th,
and 36th all-military armies of the Pacific Fleet and the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.
After an unsuccessful offensive, a significant number of units of the occupiers’ strike group
suffered casualties and were hastily withdrawn to recovery areas. Combat equipment is usually not
evacuated by the enemy.
According to available information, the enemy is regrouping in preparation for another
attempt to take Kyiv. After an unsuccessful offensive in the direction of settlement Fastiv, enemy is
trying to resume offensive operations in this direction.
In the northern direction, the enemy, with the help of separate units of 2, 41 general armies
and 90 tank divisions of the Central Military District, is trying to resume the offensive.
By forces to BTGr the enemy made crossing over the river Trubizh, blocked the highway E95
in the area of settlement Zalissya. The enemy suffered losses on the outskirts of Chernihiv and other

areas. In order to restore the fighting capacity of the group, BTGr from 55 separate motorized
infantry brigades of 41 all-military armies of the Central Military District from the operational
reserve was transferred to the territory of Ukraine.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy forces separate units of the 1st Tank Army (up to 11
BTGr), the 20th All-Military Army (up to 8 BTGr), the 6th All-Military Army (up to 3 BTGr) of
the Western Military District, the 14th Army Corps of the Northern Fleet (to 1 BTGr) tries to keep
the line from city Severodonetsk to the city of Sumy. The main efforts are focused on trying to
surround the city of Kharkiv and reach the barrier on the Dnieper River. Preparations for the attack
on Sumy are underway. The enemy is concentrating army aircraft to ensure airborne action.
In the Donetsk direction, the occupiers of the 1st, 2nd Army Corps and separate units of the
150th Motorized Rifle Division of the 8th General Army (up to 7 BTGr) are trying to continue
offensive operations in previously selected areas to reach the administrative borders of Donetsk and
Luhansk regions.
In the Tavriya direction, the enemy, with the help of separate units of the 49th General Army,
the 22nd Army Corps, the 20th Motorized Rifle Division of the 8th General Army and the Airborne
Troops (up to 17 BTGr) holds the border from Kherson to Rozivka. Attempts to force the Southern
Bug River were unsuccessful. Uses Kherson International Airport to base combat aircraft.
In the South-Buh operational area, the Russian invaders are holding the border from the city
of Kherson to Kakhovka. Separate units of the 49th All-Military Army of the Southern Military
District were stopped northeast of the city of Mykolayiv along the Ingul River.
On the night of March 9, in the village of Andriyivka, Balakliia district, a battle took place
between the military of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and sabotage and reconnaissance
groups of the enemy (SRGE). The enemy attacked the block post. As a result of the battle, the
enemy SRGE was completely defeated.
The total combat losses of the Russian forces 24.02 to 09.03:
personnel – more than 12 000,
tanks ‒ 317,
APV ‒ 1070,
artillery systems – 120,
MLRS – 56,
anti-aircraft warfare systems – 28,
aircrafts – 49,
helicopters – 81,
vehicles – 482,
boats / cutters – 3,
fuel tanks – 60,
UAV operational-tactical level – 7.
Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Russian terrorists are neglecting any human values and continue to destroy hospitals and
attack doctors in Ukraine. Today, the newly built admission department of the Izium Central City
Hospital in the Kharkiv oblast was completely destroyed again – mercilessly and purposefully.
Yesterday Russia attacked an ambulance in Severodonetsk city, while doctors were
performing their professional duties. Everyone in the ambulance received injuries and concussions.
During the 13 days of the war 61 hospitals have been damaged. This is another evidence of
the complete violation of all existing international humanitarian laws.

Deputy Prime Minister / Minister for Reintegration of Temporary Occupied Territories
As of 9.00 am today we received the confirmation from the Armed Forces of Russia for the
usage of earlier proposed by Ukrainian side corridors for humanitarian evacuation. In addition to
that Red Cross has issued official letter to the Russian side with confirmation of such corridors
establishment. In it`s turn Ukrainian side has issued a letter to the Red Cross, as a result of which
Prime Minister of Ukraine is having talks with the Head of international Committee of Red Cross.
All the efforts are being taken to receive a confirmation from the Armed Forces of Russia regarding
the humanitarian corridors approval for blocked by warfare civilians.
It was preliminary confirmed to cease fire from 9am to 9pm CEP 9 March. Following
directions are to be used for evacuation: Energodar – Zaporizhzhya, Sumi – Poltava, Mariupol –
Zaporizhzhya, Volnovaha – Pokrovsk, Izum – Lozova, from Kyiv region (Vorzel, Bucha, Irpin,
Hostomel, Borodianka) – city of Kyiv.
“I address the Russian Federation. You took upon yourself the official obligations to cease
fire from 9 am till 9pm 9 March 2022. We have a negative experience when confirmed obligations
were not executed by the Russian side on the direction of Mariupol – Zaporizhzhya, Volnovaha –


Office of the President of Ukraine
Transcript of the Address of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Brave Ukrainians of the unconquered country!
It is already the 14th day of our defense. The 14th day of our unity. Truly all-Ukrainian. The
scale of the threat to the state is maximum. The invasion contingent has already brought into our
territory almost everyone who was gathered to invade Ukraine. But the scale of our answer is
maximum as well. And these are two different words “maximum”. 
They have only equipment. At the maximum. We have our people in addition to the
equipment. Up to the mark. They only have orders. To attack, to kill, to abuse. And we have a real
desire of millions of Ukrainians to win. Defend ourselves. Clear our state…
And on the renewed land
There will be no enemy, adversary,
And there will be a son, and there will be a mother,
And there will be people on the land.

Today is Taras Shevchenko’s birthday. This is our old dream. It is his dream to clean the land.
And it is alive! And quite real.
Ukrainians! Everything is in our hands! We withstood and inspired the whole world with our
determination. There is no such place on earth where they are not aware of the heroism with which
the Ukrainian people defend our beautiful land. Even where we are not supported, they know well
what we have achieved. And they feel what else we will achieve if we save the country. If we
maintain unity. National force. If we continue to respond wisely and boldly to the activity of the
enemy who can destroy the walls of our homes, our schools, our churches, who can destroy
Ukrainian enterprises, but will never reach our soul, our heart, our ability to live freely and fight
Our military and territorial defense units managed to replenish the arsenal of our equipment
due to the many trophies they took on the battlefield. Enemy tanks, armored vehicles, ammunition
will now work for our defense. For our lives. For our country. What could be more humiliating for
the invaders? We will beat the enemy with his own weapons. In addition to ours, which the Russian
troops have already felt well, so that more and more enemy soldiers and commanders are asking

themselves a simple question: why were they sent to this foreign land, to this war? And we have no
answer. Except for one word – death.
Russian soldiers! You still have a chance to survive. Almost two weeks of our resistance have
shown you that we will not give up. Because this is our home. These are our families and children.
We will fight until we regain our land and take revenge for all our killed people. For the killed
children. You can still be saved if you just leave. Do not believe your commanders when they tell
you that you still have a chance in Ukraine. Nothing is waiting for you here. Except for captivity,
except for death. You take our lives and give yours. And we know – we have communications
interception – that your commanders already understand everything. This war must be ended. We
must return to peace. Leave our home, go back to yours.
14 days of a full-scale brutal war. Terror against our people.
Destruction of cities, blockade of entire districts, constant bombing… 14 days of absence of a
vital decision. Not our decision! We would make that decision in hours if we had to help our
From the first day of the Russian invasion, Ukraine has been repeating to its partners that if
you do not close the sky, you will also be responsible for this catastrophe, a large-scale
humanitarian catastrophe. Russia uses missiles, aircraft, helicopters against us, against civilians,
against our cities, against our infrastructure. This is the world’s humanitarian duty to respond. But…
There is no decision.
We are grateful to Poland for the alternative – for its readiness to provide Ukraine with
combat aircraft. The problem is in logistics. In fact, it is a technical issue. It must be solved!
Immediately. There is an official decision of Poland to transfer the planes to the relevant base – the
American base. We also have confirmation – we have all heard – that the agreement between the
American party and Poland has been reached. But at the same time we hear that Poland’s proposal is
allegedly unfounded. And that’s what they say in Washington. We also read this. So when will the
decision be made? Listen: we have a war! We do not have time for all these signals. This is not ping
pong! This is about human lives! We ask once again: solve it faster. Do not shift the responsibility,
send us planes.
Yesterday we finally managed to organize a humanitarian corridor. From the city of Sumy to
Poltava. 1,600 students and 3,500 residents were rescued. Evacuation of people from cities and
towns of the Kyiv region continues. More than 18,000 people have already been rescued from
Dymer, Vorzel and Irpin. Today we will do everything to continue the functioning of humanitarian
corridors. Sumy – Poltava. Izyum – Lozova. Enerhodar – Zaporizhzhia. Mariupol – Zaporizhzhia.
Vorzel, Bucha, Borodyanka, Hostomel to Kyiv. Our government officials are working on this, our
servicemen have created all the conditions. If there is at least one shot, full responsibility lies with
the invaders.
And you have already seen the world’s response. Powerful. Sanction packages.
In the morning I spoke with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. We have full
understanding. Full support. Our delegation returned from Belarus last night, from negotiations. I
will listen to their report. We will prepare for the next rounds of talks. For the sake of Ukraine. For
And finally. Concerning our unity. This is our strength. This is what is needed at this time.
We are receiving a lot of signals that someone in Ukraine has decided that he or she may not fight
anymore together with everyone. And tries somehow separately, for something personal, for some
personal benefit…
We are receiving various signals that some politicians are looking for threads to Russia again.
And some others are again working for a split, contrary to unity.
I want to say one thing and only once: I see what you are doing. If I hear another signal, the
answer will be quick. As befits wartime.
Thank God, our people have already sorted everything and everyone out.
Glory to Ukraine! ,
Briefing of Mykhailo Arestovych
It has been the 14 day of the war. The enemy did not conduct any active actions overnight. It
uses this pause for regrouping and mounting the forces to continue the advancement in the
directions identified as priority ones: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Mykolaiv. However, it gains no
success. The Armed Forces of Ukraine conduct powerful artillery and aviation strikes at the enemy,
not allowing it a possibility to advance. The military and political leadership of Ukraine, as well as
the Armed Forces commandership control the situation. The enemy suffers losses and loses the
stamina, surrenders to our Armed Forces. Due to this, the enemy is redirecting its main actions into
the information sphere. The Ukrainian specialists have identified that the majority of the destroyed
ammunition claimed by the occupants as Ukrainian is in fact Russian.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Defense Forces also suffer losses, but these losses are
much smaller compared to the enemy’s. The leadership of Ukraine is doing efforts to ensure the
evacuation of civilians from Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Brovary, Gostomel, Bucha, Mariupol. This
morning a part of the humanitarian corridors started working. The report on the developments in
this sphere will soon be available by the Ministry of the occupied territories of Ukraine.
Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
On March 8, the occupation troops of the Russian Federation continue to carry out massive
shelling of the territory of the Kyiv region.
In addition, Russian servicemen opened fire on residential houses in Mokrets village, Brovary
District. The shell hit the cellar where a 63-year-old local resident was located. The man died of his
wounds at the scene of the shelling.
In Bogdanivka, the occupants fired at a civilian vehicle, which resulted in the death of a
Also, debris from the missile hit the territory of customs warehouses in Kalynivka village,
Brovary district, and as a result, they burned down.
State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine
The State Service for Special Communications along with mobile operators regularly inform
Ukrainian citizens, who were forced to move abroad after Russia’s invasion, about the work of
Ukrainian diplomatic missions. 
In order to provide citizens an opportunity to read news and stay in touch with their relatives,
operators also organized access to the Internet in bomb shelters.
Communications networks continue to work stably, except in vulnerable areas where
hostilities continue. The State Service for Special Communications organized access of emergency
repair crews to critical telecommunication infrastructure facilities in order to restore it, in particular
in Sumy, Chernihiv, Kherson and Kharkiv regions. Digital television broadcasting has been restored
in Kharkiv. And in Sumy region, the work of emergency numbers was resumed.
JSC Ukrtelecom lifted the speed limit on Internet access in all regions, except Sumy, Lviv,
Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia. In Chernihiv region, services are temporarily not provided due to
damage to infrastructure during hostilities. In total, 75% of Ukrtelecom’s regional communication
network operate and provide services to users. 
Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine
Ludmila Denisova statement
Russian militants have seized a pre-trial detention center in temporarily occupied Kherson.

Russian soldiers stormed the building of the Kherson pre-trial detention center, whose staff
and detainees were evacuated before the occupation.
Currently, its premises are being arranged for the needs of Russian guard units that arrived in
the city the day before.
In Kherson and nearby settlements, the occupiers are trying to establish a police regime.
More than 400 Ukrainian citizens have already been illegally arrested for resisting the aggressors.
According to preliminary information, the pre-trial detention center will be used to house our
detained citizens.
The criminal actions of Russian militants violate the requirements of the Geneva
Conventions of August 12, 1949, which concern the protection of victims of international armed
I appeal to the international community to take these facts into account when imposing
additional sanctions on the terrorist state Russian Federation.
As of March 9, 2022, since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 61 children
have died and 100 children have been injured.
The fate of 55 children from an orphanage in Vorzel, Kyiv Region, remains unknown today.
A 6-year-old girl died of dehydration in Mariupol for the first time in decades, probably for
the first time since the Nazi invasion. Rescuers pulled her out from under the rubble of the house.
Yesterday in the town of Malyn, Zhytomyr region, as a result of the air strike, 7 private one-
storey residential buildings were Destroyed, 5 people died, including 2 children born in 2021.
Such actions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation pose a direct threat to the life and
health of the civilian population, contradict the norms of international humanitarian law and violate
the fundamental rights of children – the right to life and health.

Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba
The only electrical grid supplying the Chornobyl NPP and all its nuclear facilities occupied by
Russian army is damaged. CNPP lost all electric supply. I call on the international community to
urgently demand Russia to cease fire and allow repair units to restore power supply.
Reserve diesel generators have a 48-hour capacity to power the Chornobyl NPP. After that,
cooling systems of the storage facility for spent nuclear fuel will stop, making radiation leaks
imminent. Putin’s barbaric war puts entire Europe in danger. He must stop it immediately!
Because of military actions of Russian invaders nuclear power plant in Chornobyl was fully
disconnected from the power grid. Nuclear station has no power supply. The military actions are in
progress, so there is no possibility to restore the lines. Slavutich city is also out of power supply.
Operation of the power system of Ukraine in the evening on 8 March
The 13th day of the operation of the Ukrainian power system under the most severe test
during its entire existence is coming to an end. In spite of this, our power system is stable and
reliable. The power grid frequency is 50 Hz.
Today, electricity in homes – a chance to survive for those who found themselves in areas of
hostilities. It’s an opportunity to warm up, to cook, it’s a work of communication that allows you to
tell your loved ones that you’re fine. That is why the repair crews of Ukrenergo and oblenergos are
repairing damaged power lines and substations again and again every day, finding new ways to give

light to people when the infrastructure is completely destroyed. They are sincerely happy when they
Electricity is now produced enough to meet all the needs of the military, household, and other
consumers. There is no need to economize electricity. All types of power plants, nuclear, thermal,
solar, wind, and hydropower, are operating. Zaporizhzhya NPP and Chornobyl NPP facilities are
still blocked by Russian invaders, but nuclear power units are operated by NNEGC Energoatom.
Finally, the synchronization of the Ukrainian power system with the power system of
Continental Europe ENTSO-E is coming to the finish line. This gives confidence that Ukraine will
receive additional reliable and strong support from European partners strengthening our country’s
energy security.
All Ukrainian NPPs operate
As of 09:00 СET on 9 March, the existing nuclear power plants of Ukraine continue to
operate stably. The current capacity of all four Ukrainian NPPs provides electricity for the country.
Radiation, fire and environmental conditions at nuclear power plants and adjacent territories
have not changed and are within current standards.
Under martial law and full-scale aggression of Russia, Energoatom strengthened its control
and determined the exclusive priority of safety issues of nuclear facilities over all others.
The main equipment of the reactor compartments of power units, premises and buildings of
power plants, the perimeters of protected areas and adjacent areas, as well as particularly important
NPP facilities outside their protected areas are under strict supervision and control.
Zaporizhzhya NPP and the city of Energodar have been under the control of Russian military
formations for 5 days now. As of the morning of 9 March on the territory of the station, there are:

  • 50 units of heavy equipment;
  • about 400 military;
  • lots of explosives and weapons.
    Although the NPP staff work at all six power units, the station management is forced to
    coordinate all technical issues with the aggressos.
    The workers of the station are under strong psychological pressure from the aggressors. They
    expected to be welcomed at the ZNPP, but our people resisted, refused to cooperate with the
    military invaders and did not hide their open hostility to them.
    All mentioned above negatively affects work and endangers nuclear and radiation safety.
    Currently, two power units of Zaporizhzhya NPP are operating in the grid. On 7 March 2022,
    power unit N6 was put into emergency repair. The reason is damage during the Russian shelling of
    the block transformer. No changes in the radiation status at the ZNPP site and adjacent territories
    have been recorded.
    Two 750 kV high-voltage lines – Zaporizhzhya and South Donbass – remain disconnected due
    to damage. There is no possibility to deliver food to the stores of the satellite city of Energodar,
    stocks are left for one day.
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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.