March 11, 2022


Russian Defense Ministry

March 11, 6.30 pm EST

As a result of air strikes, the city of Chernihiv is on the verge of a humanitarian
catastrophe – left without electricity, water, gas and heat.
In the village of Bogdanivka, Brovary district, Kyiv region, and in the town of
Trostyanets, Sumy region, Russian terrorists placed tanks and 122 mm multiple rocket
launchers “Grad” in the middle of residential areas.
1000 people were evacuated from the cities of Vorzel. Civilians were also transported
from Bucha, Gostomel and Kozarovichi.
Ukraine proposed a series of practical steps to bring Russia to justice for its crimes
against the Ukrainian people and called for closing ports for Russian ships.
President of Ukraine: “Ukraine demands the immediate release of the mayor of
Melitopol and guarantees of full security to all heads of communities across the country”.
President of Ukraine: “Today we are fighting to prevent war in Poland and the Baltic
The anti-Putin coalition is imposing new sanctions that will further deepen Russia’s
economic isolation.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Operational information on 18.00, 11.03.2022
The enemy continues to conduct an offensive operation against Ukraine.
There is a high probability that the Russian federation will intensify terrorist methods of
hostilities: launch missile and bomb strikes on civilian infrastructure and residential areas,
intimidate local population, conduct informational and psychological actions to undermine public
confidence in local government, disseminate fake news, take the local population hostage.
Units of the Russian forces keep on trying to continue their advance in all directions. To do
this, it takes measures to form and reconcile reserves within the Russian federation. In the
meantime, a significant part of Russian units are restoring combat capability.
The enemy is trying to establish logistical support for its units to enable conducting of
The Russian occupiers continue to conduct air reconnaissance of the positions of Ukrainian
troops in the Donetsk, Tavriya, Pivdennobuzhsky, and Bessarabian operational areas.
In order to involve the Republic of Belarus in the war against Ukraine, the enemy resorted to
provocative actions.
Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine
As a result of air strikes, the city of Chernihiv is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe –
left without electricity, water, gas and heat.
During the first half of the day the water supply was established, the repair works of the
heating network are underway, but it takes 3-4 days to complete them. Repair work on the pipeline
should be completed within a day.
More than 250,000 people are forced to fear the cold night and the next air strikes.
It is not possible to bury the dead due to the Russian constant shelling of the city.
The military action of a terrorist state against civilians is a crime against humanity and a
violation of the Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949.

The commissioner called on the international community to listen to Ukraine and stop the
airstrikes of peaceful cities and towns by the Russian Federation. Close the skies over Ukraine.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
The armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is accompanied by gross
violations of norms and principles of international law, including international humanitarian law,
war crimes and crimes against humanity, as well as other human rights violations by the Russian
Among such gross violations was the abduction of Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov on March

  1. Russian troops, who have been launching missile and bomb attacks on civilian facilities and
    infrastructure in Ukraine, including children’s hospitals and schools, over the course of two weeks,
    are cynically accusing the Mayor of “terrorism.”
    The abduction of the Mayor of Melitopol is classified as a war crime under the Geneva
    Conventions and the Additional Protocol that prohibit the taking of civilian hostages during the war.
    We call on the international community to respond immediately to the abduction of Ivan
    Fedorov and other civilians, and to increase pressure on Russia to end its barbaric war against the
    Ukrainian people.
    The fact of the abduction of the Mayor of Melitopol, along with hundreds of other facts of
    war crimes by Russian occupiers on the Ukrainian soil, are being carefully documented by law
    enforcement agencies. The perpetrators of this and other crimes will be brought to the strictest
    Mariupol City Council
    1582 peaceful Mariupol residents were killed by Russian troops in 12 days of blockade of the
    city and ruthless shelling of residential neighborhoods.
    As reported, a convoy of humanitarian aid and buses to evacuate people left Zaporizhzhia for
    Mariupol on March 11. It has not been possible to evacuate Marupol residents for several days.
    AFU StratCom
    Another photo evidence of war crimes of Russian fascists! The insidiousness and hypocrisy of
    the occupiers has no limits!
    In the village of Bogdanivka, Brovary district, Kyiv region, and in the town of Trostyanets,
    Sumy region, Russian terrorists placed tanks and 122 mm multiple rocket launchers “Grad” in the
    middle of residential areas and fired not only at positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine but also
    at civilian targets.

President of Ukraine address to the Polish authorities
Dear Mr. President, my friend Andrzej! Dear Mrs. Marshal of the Sejm! Dear Mr. Marshal of
the Senate! Ladies and gentlemen deputies and senators! Polish brothers and sisters!
When I became President in 2019, it felt like we had a long way to go with Poland. Our
relationship was pretty cold, our attitude towards each other wasn’t too warm.
But I wanted to change it fast, our path to warmth.
Because we are such nations. I remember my first meetings with Andrzej Duda. From
meeting to meeting everything changed. We understood each other. As a Ukrainian and a Pole. As
Europeans. As friends. As parents who love their families and realize that our children must live in
a world of equal good values. We share the same values. We must live in a world where nations are

independent, where freedom reigns, where the family matters, and where no one ever has the right
to launch war, full-scaled invasion.
It is believed that the number seven brings happiness. That is how many neighbors God has
given to Ukraine. Does it bring us happiness? The whole world knows the answer today. And 78
Ukrainian children who died from rockets and shelling of the Russian Federation know it better
than others. A neighbor who brought trouble and war to our land. A neighbor who obviously acts
without God.
When there is someone who fights like a savage, it is very important to have someone who
will lend a hand. And when boots of the enemy enter your house, a friend will lend you a helping
hand. On the morning of February 24, I had no doubt who it would be. Who will say to me:
“Brother, your people will not be left alone with the enemy.” And so it happened. And I’m grateful
for that. Polish brothers and sisters are with us. And this is natural. Just in one day, on the first day
of the war, it became clear to me and to all Ukrainians, and, I am sure, to all Poles that there are no
more borders between us, between our nations. No physical ones. No historical ones. No personal
During the 16 days of this war, Ukrainian pride and Polish honor, Ukrainian courage in
battles and Polish sincerity in helping us allow me to say very important words. There is real peace
between our nations. Peace between relatives. Peace between brothers. And now I really want these
words to be heard by our common Belarusian neighbors. Peace between relatives, peace between
neighbors, peace between brothers. We have to come to this with them as well! We will definitely
Dear Sirs! Polish brothers and sisters! For a long time, various “stakeholders” tried to create
an impression that Ukrainians and Poles live differently and separately. I will recall the words of
President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczyński that he said in Tbilisi in 2008: “We know very
well: today – Georgia, tomorrow – Ukraine, the day after tomorrow – the Baltic countries and then,
perhaps, the time will come for my country – Poland”. On February 24, this terrible “tomorrow” for
Ukraine came, which President Kaczyński spoke about. And today we are fighting for such a bad
time for Poland and the Baltic States to never come. We fight together. We have strength.
Remember, there are 90 million of us together! We can do everything together. And this is the
historical mission, the historical mission of Poland, the historical mission of Ukraine to be leaders
who together will pull Europe out of this abyss, save it from this threat, stop the transformation of
Europe into a victim.
We saw yesterday what the countries of the European Union talked about and in what
manner. We saw who was the real leader and fought for a strong Europe. For common European
security. And who tried to stop us, tried to stop you.
We understand why it is so important for Poles to fight with us. Together with all those who
are for freedom. For us and for you, for Europe. We remember the terrible tragedy of 2010 near
Smolensk. We remember all the facts of the investigation into the circumstances of this catastrophe.
We feel what this means for you. And what does the silence of those who also know all this mean to
you, but… But they still feast their eyes on Russia.
Polish brothers and sisters! I feel that we have already formed an extremely strong alliance.
Even though it is informal. But this is an alliance that grew out of reality, not words on paper. Of
the warmth in our hearts, not of the speeches of politicians at summits. Of the way you treated our
people. Ukrainians who fled to your country to escape from the evil that came to our land. More
than one and a half million citizens of Ukraine! The vast majority are women and children. They do
not feel like they are in a strange land. You met our people in your families with Polish delicacy and
fraternal kindness.
Although we did not ask for it. And you did not ask anything for it. It’s just the way it is
between relatives. That’s why I address you informally: friend Andrzej, dear Agata! That’s why I
claim that we have already united. We united to constantly gain and create freedom, as a great Pole,
a close friend of Ukraine John Paul II said. Today, I cannot be sure of all the leaders of all European
nations, but I am sure that we will definitely be with you in defending freedom.

I am grateful for all the help we have already received from your state, from your people. I am
grateful for your efforts so that we can secure the Ukrainian sky. I believe that we will be able to
achieve the result in this, the result that we all desperately need. If God allows and we win this war,
we will share the victory with our brothers and sisters. This is our greatness. And your greatness.
This is a struggle for our freedom, this is a struggle for your freedom.
President of Ukraine: Today, everyone is gaining glory for Ukraine in his or her place
Strong people of the steel country!
This is how the militaries answer the Kremlin command’s question about what prevented
them from capturing Ukraine in four days. This information is unverified, but this fact is
And if the lost invaders justify their failures with something else, it means that during the 16
days of the war they did not understand anything.
Well, we don’t take it so hard. We are ready to explain. Enlighten the invaders until they fully
understand who they are and where exactly they should go. Go out of Ukraine.
Today in Melitopol the invaders captured mayor of the city Ivan Fedorov. A mayor who
courageously defends Ukraine and the people of his community.
Obviously, this is a sign of the weakness of the invaders. They did not find any support on our
land but counted on it. Therefore, they have switched to a new stage of terror, when they are trying
to physically eliminate representatives of the legitimate local Ukrainian authorities.
It is clear to any democratic state in the world that a legitimately elected mayor is a true
representative of the people. Usually it’s not about ideology, it’s not about politics, it’s about the
lives of people in a particular community. Probably Russia has become accustomed to this during
the years of autocratic rule. Perhaps they believe that the mayor is just a boss which is easy to
remove, and it means nothing.
But it is Ukraine here. It is Europe here. It is a democratic world here.
Therefore, the capture of the mayor of Melitopol is a crime not only against a particular
person. Not only against a particular community. And not only against Ukraine. This is a crime
against democracy as such. I assure you that one hundred percent of people in all democracies will
know this. The actions of the Russian invaders will be equated with the actions of ISIS terrorists.
The whole country saw that Melitopol did not surrender to the invaders. Just as Kherson,
Berdyansk and other cities where Russian troops managed to enter didn’t. Temporarily managed to
enter. It will not be changed by putting pressure on mayors or kidnapping mayors. This can only get
worse. For the invaders.
Ukraine demands the immediate release of the mayor of Melitopol and guarantees of full
security to all heads of communities across the country. If you are becoming an analogue of ISIS
terrorists, then what is the point of talking to you about something at all? We will raise this issue,
including in talks with international mediators who communicate with Moscow.
Today, Russian troops also disrupted the work of most humanitarian corridors. But, despite
everything, 7,144 people were saved. From Enerhodar, Bucha, Hostomel and Kozarovychi. And
these are 7,144 reasons to try to organize evacuation for Ukrainians from the besieged cities
tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
We will do that. We will do everything to bring humanitarian aid to Ukrainian cities. I have to
say this with pain – Mariupol remains blocked by the enemy. Russian troops did not let our aid into
the city and continue to torture our people, our Mariupol residents. Tomorrow we’ll try again. Once
again send food, water and medicine for our city. I am confident that the Armed Forces of Ukraine
will respond to every minute of our people’s suffering.
The number of killed Russian servicemen on the territory of Ukraine already exceeds 12
thousand people. 12 thousand! The number of wounded invaders is many times bigger. We did not
invite any of them here.

And we repeat to each of the invaders: you can still save yourself. At any moment. Just lay
down your weapons and go home, leave our land.
The number of captured invaders has already reached such a level that this issue cannot be left
to the structures that we had before the war.
Therefore, today the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established the Coordination
Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.Thousands of enemy soldiers who have been
captured or surrendered receive from our state the treatment required by international conventions.
But there are so many of them that a special structure is needed to deal with all related issues.
I want to say it again for Russian mothers. Especially for mothers of conscripts. Do not send
your children to war in a foreign land. Do not believe the promises that they will be sent just
somewhere for exercises or just somewhere in non-combat conditions. Check where your son
is.And if you have even the slightest suspicion that your son may be sent to the war against Ukraine,
act immediately. Do not give your son to death or captivity.Ukraine never wanted this dreadful war.
And Ukraine doesn’t want it. But it will defend as much as necessary.
Fortunately, we are not alone in this battle. Ukrainians have sincere friends. Good partners.
Speaking in the Polish Parliament today, I paid a lot of attention to the importance of not being
alone in today’s world. How important it is to protect common values. And as a result – to feel that
the borders between nations are blurred.
I talked to the US President Biden. We discussed how else we can put pressure on Russia to
end this war and establish peace. Russia will be deprived of the opportunity to trade normally with
the G7 countries. The less dollars Russian business earns and the less taxes the Russian state
receives, the less opportunity the Russian military will have to kill our people.
Leading international companies are already leaving the Russian market. The Russian
government has put its country outside the global world by starting a war against us. By starting this
invasion. This is self-closure. Self-humiliation. Self-destruction.
I Moscow currency exchange offices, the dollar has already reached 200 rubles. And this is
just the beginning. The beginning of international sanctions.
The next step is the United States’ ban on bringing dollars into Russia. Consequently, there
will be a shortage of currency. So, the course will raise even more. Consequently, prices will rise.
Consequently, every citizen of Russia will feel that the absence of peace is a threat to him
personally. Not a single country in the world wished harm to ordinary citizens of Russia. Nobody
tried to cause any damage until your government started a war with neighbors, peaceful people. A
war of annihilation. No one wanted to return ordinary Russian life back to the “wicked 1990s”. Is
that what you call that era? A time of upheaval and poverty. A time of very limited opportunities for
ordinary people and very large inequalities.
Perhaps now, due to the efforts of propagandists, most Russians do not yet understand what
awaits them. That is why they are trying to close all free sources of information. Actually all
sources of information. Even Instagram and Facebook. But the modern world has learned to deal
with such censorship. My advice to Russians is to look for ways to get truthful information. And try
to hide your smartphones and computers from the security forces on the streets. They’re getting
ready to check what’s in people’s phones. What do people have in laptops. I specifically warn you:
learn to resist the repression that your government plans to increase. Because clever people should
be in every country.
And in Russia, too. And they are in Russia.
And one more thing. Now the good news and the victories of Ukraine for all of us are worth
their weight in gold. Or silver and bronze. And all this – for Ukraine – is successfully won by our
Paralympians in Beijing.Today, everyone is gaining glory for Ukraine. In his or her place. Shows
the world who Ukrainians are and what strength we have.With a weapon in hands on the battlefield
or with a sporting rifle on a biathlon track.
Our boys and girls have already won 25 medals at the Winter Paralympics!
And take second place in the overall standings, second only to the hosts of the competition –
China. The Paralympics will end in two days.I would very much like to say the same about the war.
That it will end in two days.

Unfortunately, this is still unrealistic. But it will definitely happen.Both victory for Ukraine
and peace for Ukraine are achievable.
And they will be more valuable for us than gold, silver and bronze of the whole world.
Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister for Reintegration of Temporary
Occupied Territories
Deputy Prime Minister informed on the situation with humanitarian corridors in Ukraine.
Unfortunate on the route Izum – Lozova (Kharkiv Region) humanitarian convoy had to turn
around and return to city of Lozova. Russian forces despite the reached agreements started shelling
the road on the way of the convoy. As a result, evacuation of civilians and humanitarian aid on that
rout are not possible at this time.
On the rout of villages Andriivka (Kyiv Region) – Zhytomyr twelve busses of humanitarian
convoy were stopped at one of the Russian checkpoints and were forced to return to the starting
Routs Makariv (Kyiv Region) – Zhytomyr, Borodyanka (Kyiv Region) – Zhytomyr and
Mariupol – Zaporizhzhia were shelled by Russian forces. Evacuation was not successful.
Ukrainian authorities will continue evacuation efforts for the city of Mariupol. Tomorrow the
convoy will be accompanied by the journalists and priests; all the world will be watching. First,
there will be attempt to deliver humanitarian cargo to the city. In case of successes, on the way
back, convoy is planned to pick up locals who wish to flee Mariupol.
Deputy Prime Minister called on all the journalists to air the attempt due to the high
probability of it`s failure.
Volnovaha – Pokrovsk rout evacuation also never took place.
1000 people were evacuated from the cities of Vorzel. Civilians were also transported from
Bucha, Gostomel and Kozarovichi.
Tomorrow all the efforts to deliver humanitarian aid and help people escape war will
continue. New routs will be formed.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Extraordinary session of the International Maritime Organization
Extraordinary session of the International Maritime Organization Council was healed on
March 10-11. The session was convened by Ukraine and 16 member states, during which Ukraine
proposed a series of practical steps to bring Russia to justice for its crimes against the Ukrainian
people and called for closing ports for Russian ships.
Following the meeting, the Council strongly condemned Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s
sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the Russian military’s attacks on commercial vessels.
For the crews of those vessels that have not left dangerous waters for reasons of safety of
navigation, terrestrial humanitarian corridors for evacuation should be established. The Council also
called on the member states of the International Maritime Organization and relevant organizations
to ensure the security of maritime supply chains, in particular for the delivery of food and medicine
to the civilian population of Ukraine, and to provide maximum assistance to seafarers.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, together with other state authorities on the
diplomatic front, continues to take maximum measures to restore the violated rights of Ukraine and
bring Russia to justice.
Operational situation on the diplomatic front as for 11March 7 pm CET
The anti-Putin coalition is imposing new sanctions that will further deep Russia’s economic
isolation. Today, the United States has deprived Russia of its “greatest promotion” status in its
market, eliminating the important benefits that Russia has as a member of the World Trade

Organization. In addition, President Joe Biden issued a decree banning the export of US dollars to
Russia. The ban will also apply to imports of Russian vodka, seafood and diamonds into the US.
The United Kingdom has imposed sanctions on 386 members of Russia’s State Duma for
voting for the independence of the so-called “DPR” and “LPR”. The new sanctions will ban people
on the list from traveling, accessing assets and doing business in the UK;
Canada has imposed a new package of sanctions against Russia. The restrictions apply to
32 defense companies and five current and former Russian high-ranking officials and supporters of
the Russian regime. In particular, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich came under sanctions;
The European Union has prepared a fourth package of sanctions against Russia for its
invasion of Ukraine. In particular, the EU intends to deprive Russia of the status of the most
favorable in its markets. The European Union will also work to end Russia’s rights to membership
in leading financial institutions, including the IMF and the World Bank;
Financial Aid:
The European Commission has provided 300 million euros in emergency macro-financial
assistance to Ukraine. This is the first tranche of the 1.2 billion euro package. The funds are
intended to increase Ukraine’s macroeconomic stability and create conditions that will help
minimize the risks associated with external factors, such as Russian aggression;
Isolation of the Russian Federation:
Tobacco company British American Tobacco has announced its withdrawal from the
Russian market;
Avast, a popular antivirus program for computers, tablets and smartphones, will be
unavailable to users in Russia and Belarus;
The Marriott International hotel chain is closing its Moscow office and suspending the
opening of new hotels in Russia;
YouTube has started immediately blocking Russian state media channels around the world;
Humanitarian aid:
The Swiss Federal Council has increased the aid package to 80 million francs for the
humanitarian needs of Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression;
A group of Latvian motorists, coordinated by the Latvian Ministry of Defense, delivered 54
cars to Ukraine for the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine, as well as long-term
storage products and motor fuel;
The Government of Pakistan has decided to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine;
Ukrainians in Nice organized the sending of 5 fire engines filled with humanitarian aid,
including medicines and defibrillators;
The all-Austrian marathon “Nachbar in Not” (“Neighbor in Trouble”) has started in Austria.
Thanks to the initiative, donations worth almost 25 million euros have already been collected, and
will later come to the aid of Ukrainian citizens.

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Wilson Center

Forced displacement represents one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. Individuals and families, torn from the fabric of their communities, find themselves navigating a world of uncertainty, often without basic necessities or a clear path to safety. There are currently some 110 million forced displaced, and this number is growing by 10 million each year!

At the heart of this crisis are the political triggers. Armed conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions, and systemic human rights abuses force millions to flee their homes in terror. Many are displaced within their own national boundaries, while others seek asylum abroad. If these factors change as a result of political shifts at home or the pressures from abroad, they can return to their homes. Forced displacement is thus different from environmentally driven displacement, as victims of climate change may never be able to return to their homes.

The ramifications of any sort of displacement are profound, not just for those directly affected, but also for host communities and countries. Overburdened infrastructures, socio-economic strains, and cultural tensions can arise, necessitating comprehensive strategies to foster harmony and integration. Yet the root causes of forced displacement can be remedied with a concerted focus by local players and international diplomacy.

Organizations like Refugees International play a crucial role in this arena, advocating for the rights and needs of the displaced, conducting on-the-ground assessments, and influencing policymakers to take informed actions. Their relentless work underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgency ofinternational cooperation. But they, too, are overwhelmed by the rapid expansion of the crisis.

International Humanitarian Law (IHL), with its core principles centered on the protection of civilians during conflicts, plays a pivotal role in this discourse. Yet, despite clear legal frameworks, compliance remains
inconsistent. This initiative emphasizes the importance of upholding and reinforcing these international standards.

It’s not just about recognizing the problem; it’s about active engagement. We urge governments, organizations, and individuals to prioritize the rights and needs of the forced displaced. Through collective efforts, informed policies, and sustained advocacy, we can shift the narrative from passive acknowledgment to proactive intervention.